Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

In 2024, Zaporizhstal mastered production of six new types of steel products

In 2024, Zaporizhstal Iron and Steel Works of Zaporizhzhia launched the production of six new types of sheet and coil products, which are in demand in the construction industry, railcar building, and hardware segment.

According to the company’s press release on Monday, over the past year, about 14 thousand tons of new products were shipped to consumers from Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia and the domestic market.

“Ukrainian steelmakers are working despite the following: lack of workers; energy supply constraints; underutilization of production capacities; and the logistics crisis. In these realities, we are not just producing steel products – we are competing and fighting for customers, and in response to customer requests, we are developing new product mixes. In 2024, Zaporizhstal shipped 14 thousand tons of new product mixes to its customers. And the work on replenishing the product portfolio continues: we are currently working on the development of three more new types of products,” said Taras Shevchenko, Acting CEO of the steel plant.

At the same time, the press release clarified that in 2024, Zaporizhstal will launch four products in the cold-rolled segment. In particular, the S250GD coil, which is used for further galvanizing and other coatings, and then for the manufacture of lightweight steel thin-walled structures.

The press release also specified that in 2024, Zaporizhstal will launch four products in the cold-rolled segment. In particular, the S250GD coil, which is used for further galvanizing and other coatings, and then for the manufacture of lightweight steel thin-walled structures. The new products also include S215G rolled steel, which is used to manufacture open and welded metal profiles, sheets and other building structures.

Zaporizhstal’s metallurgists have also mastered the technology for producing DC01 coils with a thickness of 2.5 mm and cold-rolled plates with a thickness of 2.1-2.5 mm. These types of rolled products are used in conditions where the precision of product geometry and ease of forming with a sufficient level of mechanical strength are important.

In addition, in 2024, Zaporizhstal started production of two types of hot-rolled steel. These are coils and sheets of S355JR/S355J2 grades with a thickness of 2.75-2.79 mm, which are used in the production of electric-welded pipes and profiles, and a sheet with a size of 5.0×1500×6000 mm made of 09G2/09G2S steel for the manufacture of railway structural elements.

In total, in 2024, Metinvest Group’s Ukrainian steelmaking enterprises mastered the production of 20 new types of steel products in response to market demand.

“Zaporizhstal is one of the largest industrial enterprises in Ukraine, whose products are in great demand among consumers both in the domestic market and in many countries around the world.

“Zaporizhstal is in the process of being integrated into Metinvest Group.


As of November 30, 2024, 4 million 234 thousand Ukrainians officially had status of temporary protection in EU

As of November 30, 2024, 4 million 234.49 thousand non-EU citizens who left Ukraine as a result of the Russian invasion on February 24, 2022, had the status of temporary protection in the EU, which is 36.01 thousand, or 0.9%, more than a month earlier, Eurostat reports.

“The largest absolute increase in the number of beneficiaries was observed in Germany (+11,915; +1.0%), the Czech Republic (+5,820; +1.5%) and Poland (+4,045; +0.4%),” the agency said.

It is noted that the number of people under temporary protection in November decreased only in Italy (-1,270; -0.8%), France (-695; -1.2%) and Luxembourg (-15; -0.4%).

According to Eurostat, Germany remains the country with the largest number of refugees from Ukraine in the EU and the world by a growing margin – 1 million 152.62 thousand at the end of November, or 27.2% of the total number of beneficiaries in the EU.

The top three also includes Poland – 987.93 thousand, or 23.3%, and the Czech Republic – 385.19 thousand, or 9.1%.

Spain (224.29 thousand), Romania (177.61 thousand), and Italy (164.41 thousand) follow with a significant lag.

At the same time, Eurostat clarified that the data for Spain, Greece and Cyprus take into account some people whose temporary protection status is no longer valid.

According to the agency, compared to the population of each EU member state, the largest number of temporary protection beneficiaries per thousand people in November 2024 was observed in the Czech Republic (35.3), Poland (27.0), Latvia and Estonia (25.5 each), while the corresponding figure at the EU level is 9.4.

It is also reported that as of November 30, 2024, Ukrainian citizens accounted for more than 98.3% of the beneficiaries of temporary protection. Adult women accounted for almost half (44.9%) of temporary protection beneficiaries in the EU, children for almost a third (32.0%), while adult men accounted for less than a quarter (23.1%) of the total. A year earlier, the share of women was 46.3%, children 33.3% and adult men 20.4%.

More than 100 thousand people with temporary protection status at the end of November 2024 were also in Slovakia – 130.47 thousand, the Netherlands – 120.55 thousand and Ireland – 109.18 thousand.

Between 50 thousand and 100 thousand of them were in Belgium – 85.44 thousand, Austria – 84.60 thousand, Norway – 78.10 thousand, Finland – 68.78 thousand, Bulgaria – 67.54 thousand, Switzerland – 67.45 thousand, Portugal – 64.78 thousand and France – 59.13 thousand (data on children are mostly not included – Eurostat).

This is followed by Lithuania – 48.01 thousand, Latvia – 47.65 thousand, Sweden – 46.00 thousand, Denmark – 38.92 thousand, Hungary – 38.89 thousand, Greece – 32.37 thousand, Estonia – 35.12 thousand, Croatia – 25.81 thousand, Cyprus – 22.09 thousand, Iceland – 3.97 thousand, Luxembourg – 3.84 thousand, Malta – 2.20 thousand and Liechtenstein – 0.70 thousand.

Eurostat clarified that all the above data relate to the granting of temporary protection on the basis of EU Council Decision 2022/382 of March 4, 2022, which establishes the existence of a massive influx of displaced persons from Ukraine due to Russia’s military invasion and entails the introduction of temporary protection. On June 25, 2024, the European Council decided to extend temporary protection for these persons from March 4, 2025 to March 4, 2026.

According to updated UNHCR data, the number of Ukrainian refugees in Europe as of January 16, 2025, was estimated at 6.303 million, and 6.863 million worldwide, which is 49 thousand more than as of December 16.

In Ukraine itself, according to the latest UN data, there are 3.6 million internally displaced persons (IDPs), while approximately 160,000 people were displaced from the frontline areas in the east and south between May and October 2024 due to the intensification of hostilities.

As Deputy Minister of Economy Serhiy Sobolev noted in early March 2023, the return of every 100,000 Ukrainians home results in a 0.5% increase in GDP. At the same time, in its October inflation report, the National Bank again downgraded its forecast for the outflow from Ukraine in 2024 from 0.4 million to 0.5 million. At the same time, the outflow estimate for 2025 was lowered from 0.3 million to 0.2 million.

In the report, the National Bank confirmed its expectation that Ukrainians will start returning home in 2026, but lowered its net inflow forecast to 0.2 million from 0.4 million.


Open new horizons for your business at Mind Export Summit 2025

On 13 February, the largest conference for Ukrainian entrepreneurs on entering foreign markets, finding partners, step-by-step strategies and tactical solutions – Mind Export Summit 2025 – will take place in Kiyv for two days.

Top 5 reasons why you should visit MES-2025:

  • search for partners abroad,
  • developing a roadmap for entering the EU market,
  • learn the tools for entering the German market,
  • studying the processes in the US market,
  • search for international distributors to work in the European and Arab markets.

All these (and other) questions will be answered, as the topics of the Mind Export Summit 2025 panel discussions are as follows:

  • State support for exports
  • Integration into the EU markets
  • Grant opportunities for companies seeking to enter export markets
  • Roadmap for entering markets
  • New realities of entering global markets for Ukrainian technology companies
  • How to develop successfully not only in Ukraine
  • Exports of Ukraine: structure dynamics, main changes and trends

Among the speakers:

  • State officials: Nazovni.Online (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, State Enterprise ‘Office for Entrepreneurship and Export Development’, Export Credit Agency,
  • Practitioners: Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ukrainian Investment and Trade Promotion Centre,
  • Donors: UNDP, EU Delegation, USAID,
  • Business: dozens of exporting entrepreneurs, practitioners and mentors.

Visitors will also be able to learn about the cases of Ukrainian companies already operating in foreign markets and even try their products at the Exporters’ Fair, which will be part of the Summit. Among the companies: vegan products Wanted Vegan, furniture company Tivoli, law firm Mitra, crispy cheese balls snEco, and signature herbal teas Zhygun Herbs.

Those who are already determined to conquer foreign markets will have the opportunity to take part in the Business Simulation ‘Entering Export Markets’ on the second day of the Summit, where participants will simulate the process of expanding abroad and work out possible problems.

To get tickets, please follow the link

Come, it will be useful!

Open4business is a media partner

Overview of migration processes and migrant groups in Netherlands according to Relocation

The Netherlands, which has traditionally attracted migrants from all over the world, continues to show a steady increase in the number of foreigners on its territory. This growth is driven by both the country’s economic potential and a well-developed social security system. Let’s look at the main groups of migrants, their role in the economy, and demographic trends related to migration.

As of the beginning of 2025, the population of the Netherlands is about 18 million people. According to official data, about 25% of the country’s population is of migrant origin (including the first and second generation of migrants). In recent years, direct population growth due to migration has consistently exceeded 100 thousand people annually.

Several groups can be distinguished in the structure of migrants.

Migrants from the European Union

The largest share of migrants is made up of citizens of EU countries, in particular Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. Polish migrants, whose number exceeds 200,000, occupy leading positions, especially in agriculture, construction, and logistics.

Middle East and Africa

Migrants from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and North Africa make up a significant group. Many of them came to the Netherlands as refugees. The number of Syrians in the country is estimated at almost 100 thousand people. The main focus is on their integration through vocational training and language learning programs.

Migrants from Turkey and Morocco

Traditional migration communities in the Netherlands include Turks and Moroccans, many of whom moved in the 1960s and 1970s. Today, they number around 400 thousand people (each group) and play an important role in small businesses and services.

South Asia

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of migrants from India and Pakistan, who work mainly in the IT sector and other highly skilled industries. The number of Indians has exceeded 50,000, and this group demonstrates significant potential for the country’s economic growth.

Latin America and the Caribbean

Former colonies of the Netherlands, such as Suriname, Curacao and Aruba, have had a strong historical influence on migration flows. Citizens of these territories have easier access to the country, making them a significant group.


Since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine in 2022, the number of Ukrainian migrants has increased dramatically. As of the end of 2024, there are, according to various estimates, 70 to 100 thousand Ukrainian citizens in the Netherlands. They are actively engaged in agriculture, healthcare, and logistics.

Over the past ten years, the population of the Netherlands has grown by almost 1.2 million people. The main factor behind this growth is migration. While in the early 2010s, population growth was driven by both natural increase and migration, in recent years the contribution of migrants has become dominant. Significant changes in the structure of the population are also observed by age categories. Migrants from youth groups (18-35 years old) significantly reduce the problem of aging of the nation, which is acute for many European countries. Migrants play an important role in such industries as:

  • Agriculture and food industry (mainly migrants from Eastern Europe).
  • Services and elderly care (Moroccans, Syrians, Ukrainians).
  • Information technology and high technology (Indians, EU citizens).

By 2030, experts predict a further increase in the number of migrants, due to both the ongoing inflow of labor migrants and global challenges such as climate change and international conflicts. The Netherlands remains one of the most open countries in Europe, able to integrate foreigners effectively.


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Transportlux Ukraine invested about $1 mln in construction of bioethanol plant

“Transportlux Ukraine” invested about UAH 40 million in the construction of a bioethanol production plant in Raigorodka community (Zhytomyr region), said the head of Zhytomyr regional military organization Vitaliy Bunechko.

“The peculiarity of the production is that it responds to several challenges at once. This is the production of bioethanol, which from May this year should make up at least 5% of automobile fuel in Ukraine. So its own capacity for its production will allow not to spend extra money on exports, but to support domestic producers and the economy,” he wrote in Telegram.

Bunechko specified that the main raw material for the plant is food industry waste: animal fat, in particular from chicken farms, waste from vegetable oil production and others. Accordingly, another important problem is being solved – waste recycling.

“The plant is being built using advanced technologies and will help reduce dependence on traditional energy resources, create new jobs and contribute to the development of the region’s economy,” emphasized the head of Zhytomyr OVA.

According to regional media, the plant produced the first liter of biodiesel on Friday. They referred to the words of the investor, Moldovan citizen Mihail Popu, who expressed hope that biodiesel production will be part of the long-term strategy of energy independence of the region and will improve the social component of the community, where new jobs will be created and farmers will be able to sell oilseeds at more favorable conditions.

The investor added that the company intends to increase production in order to meet the demand for fuel not only in the community, but also to establish exports.


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“Ukrtsukor” has compiled rating of Ukrainian sugar producers

In 2024, Ukrainian sugar producers set a historical record for sugar exports, exporting 746.3 thousand tons of this product to foreign markets for $419 million, according to the National Association of Sugar Producers of Ukraine (Ukrtsukor), which announced the TOP-5 sugar producers in the 2024 season, the association’s press service reported on Facebook.

According to the report, Radekhivskyi Sugar topped the ranking with a 31% share in the total Ukrainian production, followed by Astarta Agro Holding with 21% of the market share, and Ukrprominvest-Agro with 14%. The fourth and fifth positions were shared by Teofipolsky Sugar Plant and Aspek Group with equal production shares of 6%.

As reported, in the 2024 season, which ended on January 21, 2025, 29 sugar factories operated in Ukraine. They produced a total of 1.8 million tons of sugar.

In 2024, Ukrainian sugar producers set a historical record for exports of sugar produced in the 2023-2024 marketing year and supplied 746.3 thousand tons of this product to foreign markets for $419 million.
