Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Group of Israeli investors plans to open modern sports complex in Bucha

A group of Israeli investors is planning to open a modern sports complex of 2.7 thousand square meters in Bucha with an expected investment of $1.2 million, writes The Jerusalem Post.
“Like many other cities in Ukraine, Bucha is in the process of reconstruction and is receiving an influx of international budgets. However, funding is not enough. Many cities in the country are unable to cope on their own and need the help of entrepreneurial companies and foreign executive companies in a variety of sectors, especially in real estate, health and recreation, and infrastructure,” Alex Sotovsky, a representative of investors, was quoted as saying.
It is reported that the future sports complex in Bucha, located in a new modern shopping center, built in the city two years ago. Opening of the sports complex is scheduled for August of this year.
There will be swimming pool, heated swimming pool for children, special pool for infants, spa-area with locker rooms, Jacuzzi, sauna, specialized halls for various sports disciplines, gym, functional training zone, special areas for individual and group trainings, martial arts complex and center of fun activities for children, including summer camps, various sports sections and play rooms.
Sotovsky said the physical revitalization of Ukrainian cities must be complemented by the psychological and emotional healing efforts needed by residents, especially those who live in conflict-ridden areas.
“Many studies show that exercise has a positive effect on the psyche and is very helpful in reducing stress, combating anxiety and improving mood. In Ukraine, people are craving it. They are looking for familiar points of sanity and normality. Ukrainians are trying to get back to normalcy and rebuild their lives, including through sports,” he added.
He said there has already been a significant increase in demand for gym registrations in the country’s main cities, and the flow is expected to increase as the country returns to normalcy.

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Before start of summer season State Tourism Agency of Ukraine has updated information on permits and travel restrictions

Before the start of the summer season, the State Agency for Tourism Development (GART) has updated information on permits and restrictions in force during martial law in 15 regions of the country, provided by military-civilian and regional administrations.
According to its press release, GART recommends specifying the availability of shelters along the forthcoming route and taking into account the curfew in force before planning a trip.
It is specified that by now rafting, hiking, walking and excursions on the routes near critical infrastructure, military and strategic objects throughout Ukraine are prohibited. Tourist points close to the borders with Belarus and Russia are also inaccessible. Restrictions apply to visits to some mountain routes, water bodies and forests in different regions.
“This year, as well as last year, Ukrainians will have to forget about beach vacations on the shores of the Black and Azov Seas. The coast of the latter is fully occupied by the Russians, and the Black Sea is inaccessible because of the danger of mines and threats of rocket attacks. The central and western regions of Ukraine are relatively safe. However, even in these territories there are some restrictions, which may differ from region to region,” the press release notes.
In Kiev and Kiev region, it is forbidden to visit forests and green areas outside residential areas. Also rafting by water bodies is prohibited. Chernobyl zone is still closed for visitors. At the same time now all the locations that were able to recover – accommodation facilities, museums and estates – work in the Kiev region.
In Cherkassy region you can rest at the ponds, but only near the ones determined by the regional state administration. Officially there are five beaches in Cherkassy: three public and two private. It is strictly forbidden to visit the forests.
It is forbidden to visit the forests in Poltava region. It is allowed to swim, but without watercrafts, if it is not in the framework of sporting events. Also in the Regional State Administration asked to coordinate the schedule of training on the reservoirs, taking into account the approach to the bridges at a distance of 100 meters.
All tourist objects in Vinnitsa work as usual and in accordance with their schedules. It should be noted that some museums do not work during the war. Tourist activity is allowed on water bodies, except for places where there are objects of critical infrastructure, as well as in the border zone. It is forbidden to visit the forests on the territory of the region.
On the territory of Zhytomyr region collection of berries, mushrooms and medicinal plants in the forests is allowed, except for areas located within 20 km from the line of state border of Ukraine with Belarus and the temporarily occupied areas. It is also forbidden to visit the reserves of the region. Water bodies located near critical infrastructure are closed, while the rest are ready to receive vacationers. Among the cultural institutions of the region there are only those that have equipped shelters.
In Dnipropetrovsk region navigation on water bodies of small, motorized, sailing, recreational, sports boats, jet skis and means of entertainment on the water is prohibited. It is forbidden to visit the forests. Museums and theaters of the region work according to the requirements stipulated in the law “On the legal regime of martial law”. In the region there are virtual electronic excursions for event tourism and geotourism.
In Kirovohrad region it is forbidden to visit forests and use watercrafts on water bodies. Moto-, sports- and sailing boats are prohibited, as well as jet skis and other water amusements.
There are no restrictions on visiting exhibitions, cinemas, museums and other tourist sites in Volyn, but there are certain bans on rafting on the ponds under the bridges and visiting the woods near the Belarusian border. At the same time, it is allowed to swim in rivers and lakes located in places of mass recreation, in particular, on the island of Svityaz.
In Lviv region you can walk in the forest, but it is forbidden to enter it by vehicle. The only exceptions are when there is a transit route or bicycle route through the forest area. Excursions, hiking, and rafting along trails near critical infrastructure, military, and strategic sites are prohibited. Tourist facilities are open, swimming and sunbathing are allowed only on the beaches, checked and recommended by the State Emergency Service.
In Zakarpattya you can walk in the forests, but some routes are closed. In particular, these are parts of the Uzhansky National Park and Carpathian Biosphere Reserve, adjacent to the borders of other states. In particular, the mountain Pop Ivan and waterfall Yelinsky, which are located in the territory of Tribushan environmental research department, are closed to visitors. Flights by single-engine airplanes are prohibited.
In Ivano-Frankovsk region you are allowed to visit mountains and forests. On the territory of the resort “Bukovel” it is forbidden to ride jeeps, quad bikes, buggies and motorcycles in the forests. In addition, there are additional temporary restrictions in Verkhovina district and in the border villages of Zelenka and Beloberskoe village councils. In particular, the ban applies to recreation on the territory of the communities located near the border.
In Ternopol region is also allowed to visit the forests. Here all the tourist objects are working in a normal mode and according to the approved schedules. The region is working on the new and improving the existing routes of active hiking and bicycle tourism. Tourist information centers in Ternopil, Terebovli, Chortkov and Zaleshchyk popularize local tourist products and create local tourist routes with excursion programs, master classes and gastro-tourism elements.
In Rivne region the military administration has recently allowed hiking in the forests and picking berries, but not in all areas. It is forbidden to visit the northern parts of six territorial communities: Loknitskaya, Zarechnenskaya, Vysotskaya, Miliatskaya, Staroselskaya, and Berezovskaya.
In Khmelnitsky region all tourist objects work as usual and according to the approved schedules. Forest visits are not prohibited, but there are some restrictions: campfires are forbidden and all kinds of vehicles except bikes are allowed to enter the forests.
In Chernivtsi region all tourist sites work as usual, according to approved schedules, their visits are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the law “On the legal regime of martial law. There is no decision to ban visits to forests. Tourist locations that are within 5 km of the borderland can be visited only with the permission of border guards.

Freight transportation in Ukraine by rail in 2021-2023, mln tons

Freight transportation in Ukraine by rail in 2021-2023, mln tons

Source: and

Japan hands Ukraine 100 cars and 30,000 food rations for Armed Forces of Ukraine

The Ministry of Defense of Japan held a ceremony of transferring to Ukraine 100 vehicles and 30,000 ready-made food rations for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Ambassador to Japan Sergey Korsunsky said.
“Today in the Ministry of Defense of Japan there was a ceremony of handing over to Ukraine 100 vehicles and 30,000 ready-made food rations for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The first two vehicles are already on their way to Ukraine, the others will be sent after passing the technical inspection and necessary preparation,” he wrote on Facebook.
The ambassador stressed that for the first time in Japan’s post-war history, the Self-Defense Forces are transferring military equipment to a belligerent country.
“Continuation follows,” Korsunsky added.

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Ukrainians abroad face legal issues of employment, housing, temporary protection and issuance of documents – analysis

Ukrainian refugees abroad most often face legal issues related to the EU legislation on employment, housing, temporary protection and issuance or loss of documents.
Experts from United for Ukraine, which provides legal support to Ukrainians who were forced to go abroad because of the war, as well as experts from the Ukrainian Bar Association told Interfax-Ukraine, “most legal requests by Ukrainians abroad relate to EU state legislation for people displaced from Ukraine (such as employment, education, housing, financial assistance) and temporary protection rules (such as registration for temporary protection, changing country/place of residence to limit
“Ukrainians also face various issues of issuance or loss of documents (e.g., residence permits, visas, birth certificates, disability certificates) in various individual contexts,” the experts noted.
According to lawyers, a separate category is legal requests for temporary protection for persons who are not necessarily covered by the European Union Council Directive stipulating that temporary protection for Ukrainian citizens who have left for the EU before February 24, 2022, may be granted at the discretion of the authorities of each EU country.
“EU countries have regulated this issue in different ways. For example, Germany and the Netherlands provide temporary protection to Ukrainian citizens who left Ukraine for the EU no earlier than 90 days before the Russian invasion,” the experts said.
At the same time, according to lawyers, many Ukrainians who went abroad, also apply with questions of Ukrainian law, for example, on the birth of a child abroad, marriage or divorce, receiving social benefits and pensions abroad. In addition, a hot topic is the taxation of income abroad, in particular in situations when a citizen of Ukraine continues to work remotely in Ukraine while abroad.
“Ukraine has a number of international treaties on avoidance of double taxation. Most of them provide for obtaining tax residency status after 183 days of residence in a foreign country. In many cases, this means that the income of a citizen of Ukraine living abroad should be taxed in the country of residence, regardless of where the income was received”, – stressed the lawyers.
The experts noted that the temporary protection status approved by the Council of the European Union in March 2022 for persons displaced from Ukraine because of the Russian invasion provides a residence permit in a particular EU country, and gives the displaced person a number of basic rights, among them the right to employment, education, medical and social assistance.
“At the same time, temporary protection differs from refugee status because it is acquired through a simplified procedure and does not include an obligation to remain in one country,” the United for Ukraine stressed.
At the same time, according to experts, the issue of extending temporary protection status was settled differently by EU countries. In particular, Italy, Portugal, Greece automatically extended the residence permit for Ukrainians by law, that is, without the need of any formal actions. In the Czech Republic, Estonia, Belgium and France, in order to renew the residence permit, it was necessary to undergo the procedure of additional registration within certain terms. At the same time, since the beginning of the war Germany has been issuing residence permits valid until March 2024.
“As at the beginning of the war, so now, a person has the right to freely choose a country of temporary protection. At the same time, unlike in the early months of the war, today the choice of residence within one country may be limited. Due to the large number of displaced persons, countries strive to evenly accommodate people in both large and small settlements,” the lawyers stressed.
The United for Ukraine noted that, in particular in Germany, a person can choose a place of residence only if they have family ties or work in a particular city. Otherwise, it is necessary to apply to the center of primary reception, where the distribution takes place in a particular locality in one of the federal states.
Lawyers stressed that the possibility of changing the country of temporary protection has become a relevant issue over time. Some states at the national level have banned the granting of temporary protection to persons who already had such a status in another EU country. Such countries include, above all, the Czech Republic and Poland.
A similar ban applies not only to having temporary protection in another EU country, but also to visas to other countries, such as Canada or the United States. Thus, Ukrainians in the Czech Republic, who obtained a visa to Canada under the special program for Ukrainians CUAET, had to cancel such a visa in order to keep Czech temporary protection.
Some other countries (e.g., Germany, Portugal) provide temporary protection regardless of previous acquisition of such status in another country.
“It is also important to remember that some countries (e.g. Croatia) may require an individual to provide proof of cancellation of temporary protection in the first country. Therefore, in order to avoid difficulties before moving, it is important to inform the competent authorities of the host state and obtain confirmation of the waiver of temporary protection,” the lawyers stressed.
Experts recalled that most EU countries have introduced various types of financial assistance, as well as free housing for persons displaced from Ukraine.
At the same time, the amount of social assistance differs depending on the level of income in each country. In particular, the amount of monthly social assistance for an adult can vary from EUR74 in Slovakia, to EUR365 in the Netherlands, EUR400 in Spain and EUR502 in Germany (amounts are subject to change).
Most countries also have a range of social benefits for families with children that Ukrainians can take advantage of. For example, in Poland, such types of assistance include social assistance for raising children, a one-time assistance at the birth of a child, and a one-time benefit at the beginning of the school year.
“Changes in the provision of social assistance that have occurred since the beginning of the war mainly concern the fact that states have begun to take into account a person’s income and financial situation when determining the amount of the benefit. In addition, some countries have reduced the amount of social assistance, thereby encouraging Ukrainians to professional integration”, – emphasize experts.
Czech Republic, in particular, since April 1, 2023, set the maximum period of granting gratuitous accommodation to 150 days from the date of receipt of temporary protection, and since July 1, 2023 reduces the amount of assistance after the first 150 days.
“In addition to the reduction of financial assistance, the daily expenses of Ukrainians in Europe are gradually increasing, because, for example, free public transport services for Ukrainians in most European cities have been canceled,” – the lawyers specified.
At the same time they underlined that countries hosting Ukrainians are interested in their organic integration into the local community and provide educational opportunities and assistance in finding a job. In particular, school attendance for children of certain age is compulsory in Germany, the Czech Republic and Italy, about the intention to introduce the duty of school attendance for Ukrainian children from September 1, 2023 has been recently announced in Poland.
“A prerequisite for the successful integration of Ukrainians into the labor market is learning the local language, so states encourage language learning in every possible way by offering free courses. Completion of foreign language courses may be a condition of social assistance. Countries where the national language issue is rather sensitive are planning to introduce stricter regulations for employment without knowledge of the local language. For example, employment for Ukrainians in Lithuania is permitted without knowledge of Lithuanian language until March of 2024, which is planned to cancel after that date”, – the lawyers said.
In the United for Ukraine and the Ukrainian Bar Association note that the bodies that are obliged to protect the rights and interests of Ukrainian citizens abroad are consular offices of Ukraine, and the consul must take measures to ensure that Ukrainian citizens fully enjoy all the rights granted them by the legislation of the state of residence. In particular, citizens of Ukraine may seek help from the consulate in cases of threat to their life or health, the death of a citizen abroad, detention by law enforcement agencies of a foreign country or in situations where the citizen of Ukraine was a victim of a crime.
At the same time the consulates cannot provide legal representation of Ukrainian citizens during court proceedings.
The lawyers also noted that passport operations are especially urgent issue for Ukrainians abroad, in particular, due to the fact that at the beginning of the war Ukrainians could cross the border with neighboring countries with their internal passports.
At present the State Migration Service actively works on opening divisions of SE “Document” passport service abroad. Documents, including passports and ID-cards are already available at the SE “Document” offices in Poland, Turkey, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany and Spain.
“In situations when due to certain reasons a person cannot issue a new document, consular offices render services of extending validity of foreign passports and including information about underage children into foreign passports of their parents. Thus, it is possible to avoid situations when citizens of Ukraine are abroad without valid passport documents”, – explained the lawyers.

US dollar strengthens against euro and pound, stable against yen

Traders are assessing the minutes of the Federal Reserve (Fed) meeting in May, which showed that a number of U.S. Central Bank executives believe further monetary policy tightening is necessary.
“Some executives noted that another rate hike is likely needed at the next meetings because their projections suggest that the process of moving U.S. inflation toward the Fed’s 2 percent target may remain unacceptably slow,” the minutes said.
At the same time, “several participants of the meeting said that if the situation in the American economy develops in accordance with their expectations, further policy tightening after the May meeting may not be necessary,” the document notes.
Judging by the quotations of futures on the rate level, the chances for the Federal Reserve to increase it by 25 bps in June are estimated by the market at 30%, the probability of raising the rate by the end of July – at 55%, according to the CME Group.
The international rating agency Fitch on Wednesday placed the long-term issuer default rating of the USA “AAA” on the review with the “negative” forecast in connection with the delay of negotiations on the issue of the limit of the country’s borrowings.
The agency’s press release notes that the political bias of the parties involved in discussing the issue is preventing an agreement to raise or suspend the U.S. government debt ceiling, while the deadline for a decision is approaching.
Ironically, this factor is also supporting the dollar as it boosts investor inflows into safe haven assets, Trading Economics noted.
The ICE-calculated index showing the dynamics of the dollar against six currencies (euro, Swiss franc, yen, Canadian dollar, pound sterling and Swedish krona) is adding 0.15%, while the broader WSJ Dollar Index is adding 0.16%.
The euro/dollar pair is trading at $1.0732 as of 9:05 a.m. Moscow time, up from $1.0752 at the close of the previous session.
The pound exchange rate dropped to $1.2343, compared to $1.2465 the day before.
The value of the U.S. currency against the yen is 139.53 yen against 139.48 yen by the end of trading on Wednesday.

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