Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

President Zelensky met with president of South Korea

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, during a meeting held as part of a working visit to Japan to attend the G7 summit, discussed the recent visit of a Ukrainian delegation with President Yoon Seok Yeol of the Republic of Korea.
“Told about the situation on the front and the progress of our state’s repulsion of full-scale aggression. Discussed the recent visit of the Ukrainian delegation to the Republic of Korea. Acknowledged the attention to the projects presented by the first lady of Ukraine,” Zelensky wrote in his telegram channel on Sunday.
He also thanked for the humanitarian and non-lethal assistance to Ukraine provided by South Korea, in particular for the provision of demining machines and protective equipment.
According to the press service of the President of Ukraine, the parties confirmed the agreements reached during the Ukrainian delegation’s stay in South Korea and agreed to exchange visits of the delegations.
Zelenskyy also noted the high level of organization of the visit and thanked for the attention to the projects presented by the first lady of Ukraine.

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May 22-23 in Ukraine areexpected short rains and thunderstorms

Monday, May 22, in the southern, eastern, and during the day in most central and Sumy regions, it will be raining and thunderstorms in places, says Ukrhydrometricenter.
In the rest of the territory without precipitation.
The wind is north-east, 5-10 m/s.
The temperature at night is 9-14°, in the western, northern regions and Vinnitsa region 6-11°. Daytime temperature is 18-23°.
In Kiev, there are no precipitations, wind is northeastern, 5-10 m/sec. The temperature at night is 9-11°, while during the day – 21-23°.
As reported by the Central Geophysical Observatory named after Boris Sreznev, the weather is expected to decrease by 9-11° during the day. The highest daytime temperature of May 22 in Kiev was recorded in 2007 and amounted to 32.0 ° C, the lowest at night – 1.7 ° below zero in 1917.
Tuesday, May 23, without precipitation at night, only in the south-east, while during the day rains and thunderstorms are expected throughout Ukraine, except for most western regions.
Winds are mostly northeasterly, 3-8 m/s.
The temperature at night is 9-14°, in the southern regions up to 16°. Daytime temperatures may reach 19-24°, in Transcarpathian and Pre-Carpathian regions, and in Odessa region, up to 27°.
At night there is no precipitation in Kiev, while during the day there will be short rains and thunderstorms. The wind is northeastern, 3-8 m/s. The temperature at night is 12-14°, while during the day it will be 21-23°.


Ukraine cuts ferroalloys exports by 5.5%

Ukraine in January-April this year reduced exports of ferroalloys in physical terms by 5.5 percent compared to the same period last year – to 208,019 thousand tons.
According to the statistics released by the State Customs Service (SCS), in monetary terms, ferroalloys exports fell by 53.9% to $180.098 million.
At that, the main export was carried out to Poland (69.06% of supplies in money terms), Italy (6.10%) and Turkey (5.51%).
In addition, during this period, Ukraine imported 2.096 thousand tons of these products, which is 84.4% less compared to January-April 2022. In monetary terms, imports decreased by 77.6% – to $10.368 million.
Imports were carried out mainly from Armenia (27.92%), Colombia (13.14%) and India (12.20%).
As reported, in 2022, Ukraine reduced the export of ferroalloys in volume terms by 47.7% compared to the previous year – up to 349.560 tons, in monetary terms by 46% – to $ 564.136 million. At that, the main exports were shipped to Poland (53.25% in monetary terms), Netherlands (13.13%) and Romania (5.66%).
In addition, last year Ukraine imported 20.546 thousand tons of these products, which is 65.5% less compared to 2021. In monetary terms, imports decreased by 59.1% – to $72.705 million. Imports were carried out mainly from Norway (22.67%), China (15.60%) and Kazakhstan (14.10%).
Stakhaniv and Zaporizhia ferroalloys plants (NWF and ZZF) were organized by PrivatBank (Kyiv) before the nationalization of the financial institution. Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant is controlled by EastOne Group, created in the fall of 2007 as a result of restructuring of Interpipe Group, as well as Privat Group.


“PZU” in January-March increased collection of net premiums in Ukraine by 19%

PJSC “Insurance company “PZU Ukraine” (Kyiv) in January-March 2023 increased net premiums by 19.05% – to 272.706 million UAH, and earned premiums by 13.84% – to 310.699 million UAH.
It is reported by RA “Standard-Rating”, which has updated credit rating/rating of financial stability (reliability) of the company according to the national scale at the level “uaAAA” according to the results of the mentioned period.
According to it, receipts from individuals of the insurer has decreased on 3,12% down to UAH 201,928 mln, and from reinsurers – on 61,80%, down to UAH 2,447 mln. Thus, the share of physical persons in gross premiums of the insurer constituted 64,99 %, and the share of reinsurers – 0,79 %.
The premiums sent to reinsurers, in Q1 2023 in comparison with Q1 2022 decreased by 46,94% – down to UAH 38,016 mln. Therefore, the participation coefficient of reinsurance companies in the insurance premiums has decreased by 11,60 p.p. – up to 12,23%.
The volume of payouts and indemnities carried out by the insurer in the Q1 of 2023 has amounted to UAH 137,472 mln, which is by 25,18% lower than the indemnities in the same period of 2022. Thus, the level of indemnities has decreased on 16,86 p.p. – to 44,24%.
RA notes, that the activity of the insurer in the reviewed period has been profitable, while the volumes of operating and net profit have significantly increased. In particular, according to the results of the activity in the first three months of 2023, compared to the same period of 2022, the financial result from operating activities has increased by 14,66% up to UAH 28,941 mln, and net profit – by 75,02% up to UAH 44,371 mln.
Assets of the company as of April 1, 2023 have decreased by 1,94% down to UAH 2,374 bln, shareholders’ equity has increased by 6,08% to UAH 919,699 mln, liabilities have reduced by 6,41% down to UAH 1,455 bln, cash and cash equivalents – by 21,49%, to UAH 286,120 mln, financial investments have made UAH 495,8 mln which consisted of OVGZ (UAH 207,233 mln) and bank deposits (UAH 288,567 mln).
IC PZU Ukraine has the support of one of the largest insurance groups of Central and Eastern Europe – PZU Group (which includes the parent company PJSC IC PZU Ukraine – PZU S.A.).

Ukraine reduced exports of semi-finished steel products by 4 times

In January-April this year, Ukraine reduced exports of carbon steel semi-finished products in physical terms by 3.9 times compared to the same period last year, to 296,132 thousand tons.
According to the statistics released by the State Customs Service (SCS), in monetary terms, exports of carbon steel semi-finished products amounted to $158.256 million in the period, down 4.5 times.
The main exports were made to Poland (40.53% of supplies in monetary terms), Bulgaria (15.87%) and the Dominican Republic (9.21%).
In January-April, Ukraine imported 72 tons of semi-finished products from China worth $133 thousand.
As reported, in 2022, Ukraine decreased exports of carbon steel semi-finished products in physical terms by 72% compared to the previous year – to 1 million 899.729 thousand tons, and in monetary terms by 70.9% – to $1 billion 191.279 million. The main exports were made to Bulgaria (26.55% of supplies in monetary terms), Poland (13.97%) and Italy (12.13%).
In addition, Ukraine imported 5,558 thousand tons of similar products in 2022, which is 85.7% less than in 2021. In monetary terms, imports decreased by 86% to $3.634 million. Imports were carried out from the Russian Federation (96.92% of supplies before the war), China (1.84%), and Romania (1.21%).


Forecast of changes in discount rate of National Bank of Ukraine, %

Forecast of changes in discount rate of national bank of Ukraine, %

Source: and