Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Academy of Labor, Social Relations and Tourism has opened new department

Higher education and the gastronomy industry have joined forces to create a new training center.

Academy of Labor, Social Relations and Tourism has announced the opening of a new Department of Gastronomy, Sommelier and Wine Culture, which is an important step in the development of gastronomy in Ukraine and will provide new opportunities for professional development for students and guests of the educational institution.

The grand opening of the department was attended by prominent figures from various fields, which symbolizes the broad support for the initiative. One of the invited guests was Ricardo Fernández Núñez, owner of Vinos de la Luz, an international wine group with wineries in Argentina, Spain, and Italy, as well as offices in Ukraine and Poland and production in the United States. He also holds a Doctorate, which recognizes his active role in the development of the wine industry. During his speech, Nunez expressed his deep support for Ukraine and his willingness to fight for its freedom and identity. He noted that he supports Ukraine not only with words, but also with his activities, trying to contribute to the country by means available to him.

Mykola Malomuzh, former Head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine, also took part in the opening of the chair. His presence at the event demonstrates the government’s support and interest in the development of the gastronomy industry.

Hryhorii Osovyi, Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine since 2014, emphasized the importance of vocational training in the gastronomy sector and its impact on the country’s social development.

In his turn, Viktor Sukhomlyn, Acting Rector of the Academy, PhD in Public Administration, Honored Worker of the Social Sphere of Ukraine, emphasized the importance of developing the new department and its contribution to the training of gastronomy and sommelier specialists. He noted that this initiative will contribute to improving the quality of education in Ukraine and developing wine culture among our citizens.

The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Academy, Yevhen Mykhailovych Drapyatyi, expressed his support for the new project, the implementation of which is an important step towards the development of the gastronomy industry for the further successful development of the country.

“The opening of the new department marks the beginning of a new stage of gastronomic education in Ukraine,” said Volodymyr Pechko, Chairman of the UKRSADVINPROM Public Union.

He also expressed his support for this innovative step and thanked the initiative’s participants for their work in restoring the international organization and bringing it back to Ukraine.

Natalia Blagopoluchna, President of the All-Ukrainian Association of Winemakers and Sommeliers, head of the first Ukrainian sommelier school “Master Class”, also spoke about the history of the first sommelier school in Ukraine, which was born more than twenty-three years ago. Since then, the school has been providing students and guests of the Academy of Labor with ample opportunities for training and development in the areas of tourism and social relations. Not only does it allow students to gain solid knowledge, but it also facilitates the acquisition of practical experience in the gastronomic field, which stimulates the further development of gastronomic culture in Ukraine.

Maksym Urakin, founder of the Club of Experts think tank, publisher, and marketing director of Interfax Ukraine, in turn, emphasized the importance of developing education in Ukraine and stressed that this initiative is a step towards training a new generation of professionals who will restore and develop the country in the future.

Thanks to the support and activity of prominent personalities and the university staff, the new Department of Gastronomy, Sommelier, and Wine Culture promises to become a leader in the field of gastronomic education and development of wine culture in Ukraine. We stay in touch to follow the further achievements and contribution of this department to the gastronomic heritage of our country.

The Academy of Labor and Social Relations was established in 1993 with the aim of providing high-quality program-targeted training of specialists in the field of law, market relations, social partnership, labor organization, and management. In 2013/2014, the name of the Academy was renamed to the Academy of Labor, Social Relations and Tourism. Along with the use of modern advanced teaching technologies, the Academy also draws on the many years of experience and traditions of the Higher School of Trade Union Movement.

Today, the Academy is a leading higher education institution in Ukraine, a national center of modern knowledge about society and social technologies.

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Ukraine ranks 28th in world in wine production

Ukraine ranks 28th in the world in wine production according to data for 2022, reported in the center of socio-economic research “CASE Ukraine”.

“We produced as of 2022 660 thousand hectoliters, or 0.26% of the world wine market,” – stated the experts.

According to the report, the first place belongs to Italy with 49.843 million hectoliters, which is 19.3% of total world production, the second – France (45.59 million hectoliters, 17.65%), the third – Spain (35.7 million hectoliters, 13.83%).

The analysts attributed the reasons for Ukraine’s low wine production to the destruction of vineyards in the Soviet Union during the fight against alcoholism, the Russian Federation’s transformation of the wine-growing regions of Kherson and Mykolaiv regions into a frontline zone since the occupation of Crimea in 2014, as well as the absence of a land market until 2020 and the existence of restrictions on land acquisition by legal entities and foreign investors.


Charity squash tournament Zenit Ukraine Open 2023 in Kyiv: results of the competition

On August 19-20, the capital’s SPORT LIFE fitness center became the main competition arena for squash fans from all over Ukraine and the world. The Zenit Ukraine Open 2023 charity tournament brought together more than 100 players who came from Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Khmelnytskyi, Poltava, Kherson and Odesa, as well as from France, the USA, Turkey and Moldova.

The participants competed in various categories ranging from Lady B to Men A. The winners in their categories were:

Lady B category:

Anetta Siganevich
Veronika Levkivska
Yulia Yakimova

Lady A category:

Daria Vlasenko
Tatiana Stanko
Veronika Usenko

Category Men D:

Roman Popov
Anton Babushko
Stepan Kobzev

Category Men C:

Anton Skaballanovich
Kirill Leonov
Araik Sargsyan

Category Men B:

Maxim Shumelda
Rostyslav Zavinskyi
Dmytro Baluta

Category Men A:

Nikita Panov
Ruslan Petrovych
Maxim Tokar

After the sports part, the winners were awarded at the Brugge restaurant, where a charity auction and a patriotic buffet were also held. The joint efforts of the participants and the host Andriy Dzhedzhula raised over UAH 100,000. These funds will be used to support squash players and the army.

The event could not have become so bright and successful without the support of partners and sponsors:

The main fitness partner “SPORT LIFE“;

The event was organized by the Ukrainian Squash Federation;

Information partner – Interfax Ukraine news agency, Open4Business;

Official sponsor – Experts Club;

Medical partner – Adonis chain of clinics;

Partner of the award ceremony – “VILLA TINTA”;

Prizes and gifts were presented by Sport Life, Reima and Tecnifibre;

The official water of the tournament is KRAINA;

Beer for participants and guests was provided by TERMO-PAB;

All tournament guests were accommodated at FAVOR HOTEL;

The award ceremony and party were held in partnership with the BRUGGE restaurant.

The tournament confirmed that charity and sport can go hand in hand, bringing joy and helping people.


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Fifth Cheese & Wine Festival was held in Uman

The festival was held at the Forest Club Sherwood hotel and restaurant complex. The event was attended by well-known Ukrainian wineries: TM My Wine, SHABO, BOLGRAD, Cotnar, Villa Tinta, and Vladyslav Zakrevsky’s winery. Also represented were Honey Badger liqueurs and tinctures, White Church Distillery, Osnova cheese factory, Zinka TM, Kozatski Kozyrni Syry, producers of meat chips and snacks Snacks by Bandera, and others.

Interesting lectures for visitors were held at the festivals. Visitors were introduced to the world of winemaking: Liudmyla Boiko, chief technologist of the Honey Badger family enterprise; Stepan and Olha Kutsipak, owners of the Snacks by Bandera brand; Natalia Blahopoluchna, president of the All-Ukrainian Association of Winemakers and Sommeliers, head of the first Ukrainian sommelier school “Master Class”; Bogdan Panchuk, brand ambassador of Leleka Wines; Eduard Gorodetsky, founder of Tiras Winery; Natalia Burlachenko, sommelier and brand ambassador of Vinos de la Luz; Vita Oliynyk, representative of Zinka TM. The event was also attended by Ricardo Fernandez Nunez, the owner of Vinos de la Luz group of companies.

In addition to wine lectures, visitors were able to attend a master class “How to open champagne with a glass or modern sabrage” by Mykola Blagopoluchny, head of the Master Class sommelier school and director of the All-Ukrainian Association of Winemakers and Sommeliers.

The highlight of the first day of the festival was a soulful concert by Ukrainian singer PIANOBOY.

On July 30, the festival hosted a roundtable discussion on the development of winemaking and viticulture in Ukraine during the war. The participants were Ihor Vishtak, Director of the Crop Production Department of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine; Volodymyr Pechko, Head of the UKRSADVINPROM NGO; Iryna Kovaleva, Director of the V.E. Tairov Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Maksym Urakin, founder of the Experts Club. Maxim Urakin, founder of the analytical center “Club of Experts”, publisher, marketing director of the Interfax-Ukraine news agency; Yegor Belov, chef-sommelier of the InterContinental Kyiv hotel, winner of the All-Ukrainian Sommelier Competition 2018; Dmytro Saprykin, brand ambassador of Alcoline and Oleg Antipin, brand ambassador of SHABO; Konstantin Tintulov, commercial director and co-owner of Vinhol Oksamytne LLC.

The roundtable was also attended by Dmytro Natalukha, a Ukrainian politician and public figure, Member of the Parliament of Ukraine of the IX convocation, lawyer, human rights activist, Chairman of the Committee on Economic Development in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the IX convocation. Member of the parliamentary faction of the Servant of the People political party. Deputy Member of the Permanent Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Co-chair of the group on interparliamentary relations with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The roundtable ended with a pre-premiere screening of the movie Wounded Land. This is a documentary about the stories of Ukrainian winemakers who have suffered from Russian aggression. The film was directed and co-produced by Roman Zayats, the founder of the Heartland project.

The festival has a charitable component. Charity auctions and fundraisers were held for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The event raised UAH 142,050! The main lot of the festival – a unique wine from Vinos de La Luz with a label of Ivan Marchuk’s painting – was sold for UAH 120 thousand. The funds raised were distributed as follows:

UAH 120,000 was donated for the treatment of cancer to Serhiy Kovalenko, a veteran of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and a well-known winemaker.
UAH 22050 was donated to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Consumer tasting was held during the two days of the event. Visitors of the event chose the best wine. Wines from TM My Wine won the Consumer Choice competition.

The event was organized by Focus event.

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Another vintage drinks tasting seminar was held at Experts Club

On Friday, July 31, the conference hall of the Kyiv-based think tank Experts Club hosted the fourth scientific and practical seminar-tasting of vintage drinks for people aged 20 to 80. The event was attended by Ukrainian and international wine experts, retailers and media representatives. Ricardo Nuñez, one of the world’s leading winemakers and an investor in the Ukrainian wine industry, was the guest of honor.

Igor Magalyas, a leading expert collector of vintage alcoholic beverages, introduced the participants to his collection, which includes the most popular Ukrainian and European brands of wines and brandies, including:

1. Italian wine Muscat, produced in 1999, which has a unique bouquet, characterized by luxury and depth.

2. Black Doctor 2005 – a wine with a wonderful multi-component aroma, which harmoniously combines the tones of dark grapes.

3. Massandra sherry made in 1983 is a unique wine from the Crimea, famous for its palette of aromas and flavors.

4. Sicilian semi-dry Marsala of the 1990s – this drink gives off a feeling of rich flavor, complemented by notes of cherry, fruit and vanilla. Marsala is considered one of the most famous Italian wines and is a symbol of Sicilian winemaking.

5. Green apple liqueur from the 1970s – this drink is attractive for its fresh and fruity aroma, with a balance of acid and sweetness. Its unique flavor evokes memories of summer, green apples and outdoor picnics.

6. Apricot liqueur of the 1980s is a sweet, but not over-colored drink that explodes with natural apricot flavors.

7. Poncho 1974 is a citrus alcoholic beverage with a unique flavor bouquet that combines the acidity of lemon, orange and grapefruit with light notes of spices. Made according to a traditional recipe, Poncho is a classic of cocktail culture.

8. Bobadilla 103 Sherry Brandy 1977 – with an unsurpassed bouquet of vanilla, caramel and nuts, this brandy is a model of sherry style. It has a balance between sweet and dry, with a rich and intense flavor.

9. Terry Centenario Sherry Brandy 1975 is a perfect representative of Spanish sherry, known for its deep aroma, with notes of nuts, fruits and spices. Its rich, delicious flavor and long aftertaste are the unique features of this exceptional drink.

10. Sherry brandy from the 1950s is a true relic of the past, with a rich and intense flavor that includes notes of caramel, nuts and dried fruit. This old sherry brandy is a reminder of the long and glorious history of winemaking in Spain.

The most intriguing part of the tasting was the rare dessert drinks, which are a real “living museum” of the alcohol industry of the 1970s. These are four special drinks: grapes, cherries, plums and raisins infused in different types of brandy and liqueurs. Among them, the Muscat raisin grappa was especially appreciated by experts, as it is distinguished by its unique bouquet.

High-quality gastronomic pairings for the drinks presented during the tasting program were provided by one of the best Ukrainian meat producers, Karapyshivski Kovbasy, a trademark of the company.

Igor Magalyas noted that all the presented drinks are in an affordable price segment, and their cost does not exceed the cost of modern vintage alcohol in Ukrainian supermarkets.

“These drinks were purchased by collectors in Europe at auctions or sales of private collections. They have a number of flavor and quality advantages over modern drinks,” he said.

Maxim Urakin, the event’s organizer, emphasized the importance of systemic support for Ukrainian winemaking.

“Long-standing Ukrainian-made beverages have traditionally been at the top of our experts’ preferences. However, without new systemic efforts by the government to support the industry, the situation will deteriorate. That’s why the Club of Experts analyzes the situation and provides its proposals in this regard,” emphasized Maxim Urakin.

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Uman is preparing for the V Cheese & Wine Festival

On July 29-30, the V annual Cheese & Wine Festival will be held at the Forest Club Sherwood hotel and restaurant complex. The event is organized by Focus event, a company that creates emotions and various events to support people and the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

Cheese&Wine Festival is a combination of live music with a glass of real wine and craft cheese. The special guest at the event on July 29 is Pianoboy (Dmitry Shurov). The main goals of the festival are to raise funds for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine; help businesses sell their products and find and attract customers for long-term cooperation; popularize the culture of Ukrainian winemaking and cheese making; develop a culture of wine consumption; and facilitate communication between producers, distributors and the hotel and restaurant business in Ukraine.

The festival will bring together top management of enterprises, owners and managers of agricultural enterprises, owners and managers of restaurants, pubs, hotel and restaurant complexes, wine and cheese producers, professional sommeliers, opinion leaders, and representatives of specialized associations.

The event will feature a lecture hall where wine experts will present important and relevant topics for Ukrainian winemaking. Speakers of the event:

Liudmyla Boiko, chief technologist of the family-owned company Khani Badger.

Natalia Blagopoluchna, President of the All-Ukrainian Association of Winemakers and Sommeliers, head of the first Ukrainian Sommelier School.

Eduard Gorodetsky, founder of Tiras Winery and MY Wine.

Mykola Blagopoluchnyi, CEO of Master Class, Director of the All-Ukrainian Association of Winemakers and Sommeliers.

Ihor Vishtak, Director of the Crop Production Department at the Ministry of Agriculture of Ukraine.

Volodymyr Pechko, head of the public association “Ukrsadvynprom”.

Iryna Kovaleva, Director of the V.E. Tairov Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Maksym Urakin, founder of the analytical center “Club of Experts”, publisher, marketing director of the news agency “Interfax-Ukraine”.

Yegor Belov, chef sommelier at InterContinental Kyiv, winner of the All-Ukrainian Sommelier Competition 2019.

Natalia Burlachenko, sommelier and brand ambassador of Vinos de La Luz (France, Spain, USA, Argentina).

The festival will feature a pre-premiere screening of the film Wounded Land. This is a documentary about the stories of Ukrainian winemakers who suffered from Russian aggression. The film was successfully presented in Hollywood (USA).

The event program will also include a roundtable discussion “Development of Ukrainian winemaking in times of war. Current issues. Communication between the government and producers to solve them” with Igor Vishtak, Director of the Crop Production Department of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, heads of specialized associations, owners and managers of wineries.

Cheese & Wine Festival has a charitable component. The military are sending various items from the frontline to be sold at a charity auction at the festival. The proceeds will be donated to the needs of the Armed Forces. Last year’s festival raised UAH 74,500, which was used to buy a car for snipers.

We invite everyone: from craft winemakers and cheese makers to large distributors and manufacturing plants, from experts, sommeliers, winemakers to connoisseurs of quality wine and cheese.

Join the V Cheese and Wine Festival 2023. It will be interesting and useful and, of course, very tasty!

Interfax-Ukraine, Club of Experts, sind die Medienpartner.

Um Karten für das Festival zu kaufen:

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