Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Boryspil automobile plant in Kyiv region sold for UAH 108 mln

State-owned Ukreximbank (Kiev) is selling a complex of buildings and structures, as well as a land plot in Kiev region through the OpenMarket electronic bidding system (SE “SETAM” of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine), according to a press release of SETAM.

The starting price of the lot is 108 million 412 thousand 224 UAH. The auction is scheduled for April 17. The guarantee fee for participation in the auction is UAH 10.841 mln.

The press release notes that Ukreximbank is selling the car plant, but does not specify the name, but judging by the address of location in Boryspil and the attached photos, it is PJSC “Boryspil Automobile Plant” (“BAZ”) of the corporation “Etalon”.

The total area of the sold lot is 18.67 thousand square meters, including the main production building (7679.9 square meters) and production building (644.8 square meters); administrative and utility building with canteen (3 213.6 square meters); spare parts warehouse (4016.6 square meters) and other buildings.

The land plot has an area of 7.5205 hectares. Target purpose: for placement and operation of main auxiliary and auxiliary buildings and structures of processing, machine-building and other industries.

In the press release it is noted that the buildings and structures are in exploitable technical condition. The facility is fully operational as a production and warehouse complex with an administrative part. Its territory is fenced and guarded.

Borispol Motor Plant was established in 2002, where the corporation “Etalon” organized the production of small class buses. Currently, buses of various classes and trolleybuses are produced at the corporation’s Chernihiv auto plant.

According to the register of court decisions, in January 2023 PJSC BAZ was recognized bankrupt and liquidation procedure was opened.

According to the data of the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market for the third quarter of 2023, Bodmin AG (registered in Switzerland) owns 74.37% of BAZ shares, another 22.81% belongs to Kirayn LLC (Kiev).

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Analysts forecast oil prices this year in range of $80-100 per barrel

Oil prices will range between $80 and $100 a barrel this year, with global oil demand rising by 1.9 million bpd, according to Russell Hardy, chief executive of international trader Vitol.

“That seems like a reasonable range for the market given that OPEC is controlling global inventory levels,” he said during a conference in Lausanne. – Supply in the market is really tight.”

Brent crude futures topped $90 a barrel last week amid geopolitical risks and signs of strong demand.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) forecast global oil demand growth of 1.4 million bpd this year, 500,000 less than the forecast of Vitol’s head.

Fuel demand in China will continue to grow, Hardy expects, but the peak will come “relatively soon”.

Quotes of interbank currency market of Ukraine (UAH for €1, in 01.01.2024-31.01.2024)

Quotes of interbank currency market of Ukraine (UAH for €1, in 01.01.2024-31.01.2024)

Source: and


“Ukrzaliznytsia” ended first quarter with profit – Lyashchenko

In January-March 2024, Ukrzaliznytsia (UZ) operated at a profit, UZ CEO Yevhen Lyashchenko said at a meeting with journalists, but did not specify the specific amount of the profit.
According to the presentation made at the meeting, in 2023, UZ’s net profit amounted to UAH 5 billion.
Among the key factors that had a positive impact on UZ’s financial results, the presentation mentions revenue from passenger transportation, which increased due to an 11% increase in passenger turnover (+1.42 billion UAH) a decrease in the cost of materials and repairs due to cost-saving measures, including the use of old materials (+UAH 4.81 billion), a more stable hryvnia exchange rate than initially expected (+UAH 4.53 billion) and the restoration of the usefulness of assets in the de-occupied territories (+1.88 billion).
In addition, the cancellation of the land tax liability for facilities in the occupied territories (+UAH 0.69 billion), reduction of the land tax rate due to the re-registration of land plots (+UAH 0.55 billion), and growth in revenues from auxiliary activities: security services by 25% and passenger services by 24% (+UAH 527 million) had a positive impact.
At the same time, UZ’s financial performance was negatively affected by a decline in freight revenue in 2023 due to the temporary suspension of the grain corridor and conventional restrictions on agricultural exports to the EU (-UAH 8.57 billion), as well as a salary increase to avoid staff outflow (-UAH 3.41 billion).
According to Lyashchenko, UZ transferred 50% of its profit in 2023 to the state budget in the form of dividends.
The UZ CEO also noted that the company continues to restore infrastructure damaged by Russian attacks at its own expense. In addition, as one of the largest electricity distribution operators, it has invested in the protection of substations and critical energy infrastructure.

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Odesa-based Farmatsiya plans to sell 9 non-residential premises to Winster

Pharmacy Chain Pharmacy PrJSC (Odesa) plans to sell nine non-residential premises with a total value of UAH 31.879 million to Vinster LLC (Odesa), a retail real estate company.
According to the pharmacy chain’s disclosure in the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC), its shareholders will consider the deal at a meeting on April 26.
The total area of the premises to be sold exceeds 4690 square meters.
As reported, Pharmacy Chain (Odesa) reduced its net loss by 10 times in 2023 to UAH 1.074 million.
The company is engaged in retail trade in pharmaceuticals. The ultimate beneficiary of the chain is Yuriy Rodin.
Vinster LLC is engaged in the leasing of retail real estate. The ultimate beneficiary of the company is Leonid Shtein.

National Bank additionally revoked licenses of number of financial companies

The National Bank of Ukraine has revoked the licenses of Ardian Leasing Company LLC and FC Aktiv+ LLC on the basis of submitted applications, the regulator’s website has reported.

In addition, these companies are excluded from the State Register of Financial Institutions due to the revocation of licenses.

Another two non-banking financial institutions (NFIs) on the basis of their own applications, the regulator has agreed to change the scope of licenses for the activities of financial companies: LLC FC “Percent” – to exclude from the license such services as financial leasing and provision of guarantees, LLC “Siroko Finance” – to exclude the service of financial leasing from the license.

At the same time, the NBU notes that after the change in the scope of licenses for the activities of the financial company LLC “FC “Percent”, LLC “Siroko Finance” have the right to provide funds and bank metals on credit, as well as factoring service.

The corresponding decisions of the NBU Committee on supervision and regulation of non-banking financial services markets adopted at a meeting on April 5, 2024.
