Business news from Ukraine

Estimated number of population in regions of Ukraine based on number of active mobile sim cards (mln)

Estimated number of population in regions of Ukraine based on number of active mobile sim cards (mln)

Source: and

There were about 40 companies operating in Odessa ports, which exported agricultural products without paying taxes – investigation

The head of the Odessa regional military administration Oleg Kiper in August 2023 by his order strengthened customs control in the region when exporting agricultural products for export, at the same time on the market of export of agricultural products appeared about 40 companies with signs of fictitiousness, reported hromadske in the investigation “Grain Baron”.
The publication noted that through the ports of Odessa in 2023 passed 85 percent of the country’s agro-exports.
When analyzing the data of the Ukrainian customs, access to which is provided by the international service ImportGenius, journalists found 40 companies with signs of fictitiousness, which entered the agro export market after the Odessa OSA established “manual control” over it.
These companies started exporting grain after August 2023. They have never engaged in exports before, were founded or changed owners in 2023, are not part of well-known agroholdings and do not own land.
“The largest by export volume of these firms has the same phone number as another 139 legal entities. And in second place is a company whose founder is probably a psychologist from Uzbekistan, for whom 20 legal entities have been registered in Ukraine over the past two years,” the investigation said.
“Suspicious” companies for the last quarter of 2023 exported through the ports of the Odessa region about 800 thousand tons of agricultural products worth about $ 150 million, or 6 billion UAH, says the publication and recalls that the head of the Odessa Regional State Administration explained the establishment of manual control by the need to fight against one-day companies and so-called “black exports”.
Such one-day companies export grain and do not return foreign currency proceeds to the country, do not pay taxes, have a fake director and do not have an office. After several transactions with a budget of several million dollars, the company disappears.
The chairman of the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Union “Agrarnaya Rada” Dmytro Kohan drew attention to the fact that any manual control has increased risks of corruption.
The Odessa regional military administration refused to comment on the facts revealed by journalists.

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Head of Ukrainian Parliament visits Turkey

Ukrainian Parliament Speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk is on an official visit to Turkey on May 13-15.

According to the press service of the Ukrainian parliament’s apparatus, Stefanchuk will hold a number of bilateral meetings and negotiations in Ankara, including with the chairman of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Numan Kurtulmuş.

During the meetings will touch upon the topics of realization of the Formula of Peace of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the reconstruction of Ukraine, in particular, the involvement of Turkey in the reconstruction process.

“The purpose of the visit is to deepen strategic cooperation between Ukraine and Turkey, to expand interparliamentary cooperation, as well as to overcome the negative consequences of Russian aggression, which threatens stability and development in the Black Sea region”, – stated in the message of the press service.

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Insurer Satis may self-liquidate

Shareholders of PJSC Insurance Company Satis (Kyiv) will consider the issue of voluntary withdrawal from the market by fulfilling the insurance portfolio, according to the agenda of the meeting scheduled for May 29. According to the announcement of the company in the information disclosure system of the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market (NCSSM), the shareholders also plan to approve the plan of insurance portfolio fulfillment and terms of its implementation, appointment of the person responsible for the implementation of measures on voluntary exit from the market, to sign the application for authorization for these actions and the plan of their implementation.

IC Satis has been operating in the Ukrainian market since 1995 and specializes in risk insurance.

According to the data of NCSSM as of Q3-2023, the shareholders of the company were Iryna Yakhnytsya, who owns 24,234% of the insurer’s shares, Alexander Yakhnytsya with 23,494% of shares, Elena Yakhnytsya and Yuriy Baskakov, who own 8,472% each, Igor Yakhnytsya with 8,803% and PE “Finvest” with 9,948%.

Scrap collectors increased scrap supplies to steelmakers by 52%, exports up 55%

In January-April of this year, ferrous scrap companies increased scrap supplies to Ukrainian steelmakers by 52.3% year-on-year to 446 thousand tons from 292.8 thousand tons.

As reported in the operational information of the Ukrainian Association of Secondary Metals (UAVtormet) on Monday, scrap metal procurement in the first four months of this year increased by 53.7% compared to the same period last year – up to 563.4 thousand tons from 366.6 thousand tons.

At the same time, exports of scrap metal for the period amounted to 87.4 thousand tons compared to 56.4 thousand tons in January-April 2023 (an increase of 54.9%). At the same time, imports of scrap amounted to 0.34 thousand tons compared to 0.06 thousand tons in 4 months of 2023.

As of May 1, 2023, the level of scrap metal stocks at Ukrainian steelmaking enterprises was estimated at 25-30 thousand tons.

In 2024, companies dealing with ferrous scrap may increase their scrap procurement by 37-45% year-on-year to 1.75-1.85 million tons.

According to UVTORMET’s forecast, Ukraine will produce 7-7.2 million tons of steel in 2024 (6.228 million tons in 2023 and 6.263 million tons in 2022) and procure 1.75-1.85 million tons of scrap metal (1,277.3 thousand tons in 2023 and 996.7 thousand tons in 2022). Steelmakers are also expected to consume 1.4-1.5 million tons of scrap (1 million 34.7 thousand tons in 2023 and 895.7 thousand tons in 2022) and export 250-300 thousand tons of scrap (182.5 thousand tons and 53.6 thousand tons, respectively), increasing the export of strategic raw materials for steelmakers by 37-64% compared to last year.

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Number of pigs in industrial farms increased by 16% in Ukraine

The average purchase price for pork in April amounted to 62.3 UAH/kg (including VAT), or $1.58 in foreign currency equivalent, which is 1.2%, or 0.75 UAH/kg, higher than in March, but 22.1%, or 17.7 UAH/kg, lower than the same period last year, the Ukrainian Pig Association reported.

“Quotes on the live market failed to maintain a positive direction of movement throughout April. Although at the beginning of the month the positive price dynamics provided a slight positive deviation from the average for April, two weeks before Easter prices fell off the upward trend,” the report says.

Analysts emphasized that the main reason for the atypical price dynamics, according to market operators, was the increased supply of live pigs on the eve of the holidays, in particular animals with a weight exceeding standard slaughter conditions. The supply of such animals far exceeds the needs and capacity to sell the relevant products at fairs, markets and bazaars. This forces producers to offer products at prices below market prices. In turn, the ability to purchase cheaper raw materials puts additional pressure on the price of conditioned pork.

According to preliminary data, the number of commercial pigs in early April amounted to 3.69 million heads, which is 16% higher than in the beginning of the second quarter of 2023 and accounts for 67.7% of the total number of pigs in Ukraine.

The volume of pork sold for slaughter in all categories of farms in January-March 2024 amounted to 243.8 thousand tons in live weight, which is 2% more than in the same period last year, of which 140.2 thousand tons by agricultural enterprises, which is 5.5% higher than in 2023, the industry association stated.