Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian banks earned 19% more than last year in 2024

Who are the top 10 banks by profit?

Ukrainian banks earned UAH 40.5 billion in 2024. Despite the increase in taxation, banks managed to earn 19% more than in the same period last year. Only 8 banks out of 63 suffered losses in Q1 2024.

Ukrainian banks earned UAH 40.5 billion in profit after tax in Q1 2024. Despite the fact that the tax rate increased from 18% to 25%, banks managed to earn 19% more than in the same period last year.

There are currently 63 banks operating in Ukraine, including 6 state-owned, 14 with foreign capital, and 43 with private capital. Only 8 banks out of the total number suffered losses this year – UAH 111 million.

The top 10 banks in Ukraine earned UAH 34.22 billion in the first quarter. This is 84% of the total profit of all banks in the country.
During this period, Ukrainian banks paid UAH 10.34 billion in income tax, which is one and a half times more than last year. Privatbank paid almost half of this amount – UAH 4.84 billion.
State-owned banks

Privatbank became the leader of the top, earning UAH 13.86 billion in Q1 2024. This is a third of the profit of all banks. However, this is 14% less than in the same period last year – UAH 16.04 billion.

In total, 6 state-owned banks account for 60% of the total profit of all institutions – UAH 24.28 billion. Currently, only the First Investment Bank, which has recently come under state control, suffered a loss of UAH 7.6 million in Q1.
Foreign banks

Raiffeisen Bank remains the leader among banks with foreign capital, having earned UAH 2.53 billion this year. This is 23% more than in the same period of 2023.

Another bank of this group, Credit Agricole Bank, saw its profits for this period increase 20 times compared to the same period last year. This year, the bank earned UAH 2.02 billion compared to UAH 102.9 million in Q1 of last year. This is the largest increase among all Ukrainian banks.

In total, foreign banks earned UAH 10.2 billion, which is a quarter of the total profit. Only one bank, Pravex Bank, suffered a loss of UAH 76.7 million in Q1.
Private capital
FUIB remains the leader of the group of banks with private capital: UAH 2.13 billion of profit for the quarter. This is 38% more than in the same period last year. Together with Universal Bank (Monobank), they received half of the total profit of the banks in this group.
MTB Bank showed the largest increase in profit among private banks: up to 13 times by the first quarter of 2023.


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Number of unemployed people registered in public employment service as of 31.03.2024 (in thousands)

Number of unemployed people registered in public employment service as of 31.03.2024 (in thousands)

Source: and

Wasatch Group founder presented 6 new infrastructure projects to President of Ukraine

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky met in Kiev with American businessman and philanthropist, founder and CEO of real estate investment company Wasatch Group Dell Loy Hansen, who presented six new infrastructure projects for Ukraine.

In particular, as reported by the President’s press service, Loy Hansen presented to Zelensky the Phoenix initiative, which together with the state Ukrainian program “eVidnovlennya” restores damaged housing in Andriyivka, Moshchun and Makarov in Kyiv region.

It is noted that the first one hundred houses should be restored by December this year.

In addition, the businessman plans to  build  a full-cycle center for patients on the basis of the Kiev Center for Rehabilitation Medicine, as well as schools in ten communities in the Kiev region.

Zelensky and Hansen also discussed the projects already implemented by the businessman with the support of the Office of the President, Kyiv OVA and local communities.

Thus, the premises in Kolonshchyna and Sofiyska Borschagivka in Kyiv region have already been fully occupied. People who lost their homes as a result of Russian aggression live there. In addition, the first two phases of apartments for internally displaced persons in the village of Tarasovka have been put into operation. In Kolonshchyna another line of housing for older IDPs will be built.

The Head of State emphasized that Ukraine greatly appreciates people who have been helping our country since the first days of full-scale Russian aggression.

“Thank you for your support and for new projects for our people, for Ukrainian families. In particular, this is  the construction of  a new medical center, new schools for Ukrainian children and housing for displaced people,” the president said.


Ukraine offers Argentina and Chile a free trade zone

First Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Economy Yulia Sviridenko, following a visit to Argentina and Chile this week, noted the presence of joint interest in investments and reported on the prospect of concluding bilateral free trade agreements.

“We know that there is already interest of companies from pharmaceutical, agro-sectors, processing industry, which want to deepen cooperation with Ukraine. The free trade agreement with Argentina, which we are currently working on, can also contribute to this. Cooperation with Argentina is reaching a qualitatively new level,” Sviridenko was quoted as saying in the press release of the Ministry of Economy on Thursday.

As First Deputy Prime Minister pointed out in social network X following a meeting with Argentine Economy Minister Luis Caputo, the countries have a lot in common: from economic structures to approaches to the organization of management. According to her, the parties agreed to hold a meeting of the Joint Ukrainian-Argentine intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation in October this year. The last time it was held 18 years ago. In addition, the possibility of holding a Ukrainian-Argentine business forum is being considered, the Ministry said in a release.

“This country is the leader of the strategically important for us region of Latin America, so strengthening the presence of Ukraine on the agenda – a contribution both to the development of business ties and security projects” – summarized Sviridenko.

She recalled that Argentina has allocated 16 packages of humanitarian aid to Ukraine for $600 thousand, and at the moment up to half a million Ukrainians live in the country.

In addition, representatives of the Ministry of Economy met with the Argentine Chamber of Commerce and Services (CAC) and the Argentine-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CAUCI) and invited business and government representatives to participate in the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC-2024), which will be held June 11-12 in Berlin.

“(…) On the agenda – the First Global Peace Summit initiated by President Vladimir Zelensky, strengthening business ties, deepening cooperation in the defense sector, support for the Ukrainian energy system against the background of Russia’s systemic shelling of our energy capacities,” – accentuated First Deputy Prime Minister.

It is indicated that the Ukrainian side also invited the leaders of Argentina to join the Global Peace Summit and become a co-leader of the working group on one of the items of the Peace Formula.

After Argentina, the Ukrainian delegation, which also includes the Minister for Strategic Industries Oleksandr Kamyshyn, Deputy Minister of Economy Oleksiy Sobolev, Ukrainian Trade Representative Taras Kachka, Deputy Minister of Defense Dmytro Klymenkov, and representative of the Commissioner for Equal Rights and Freedoms of Rights of National Minorities of Political and Religious Views Mikhail Spasov, went to Chile.

“The first visit of a high-ranking Ukrainian delegation to Chile in 19 years,” Sviridenko emphasized on social network X. She also invited Chilean business and government representatives to the URC-2024 in Berlin, promising them very concrete projects from partners.

“We have a lot in common with Chile, especially in mining and critical materials. We hope to deepen cooperation in this area. We also discussed the issue of logistics. The next step of our cooperation is to deepen the dialog at the level of chambers of commerce and industry of our countries,” First Deputy Prime Minister said.

At a meeting with Chilean Economy Minister Niko Grau, Sviridenko said that both sides are interested in sharing experience in attracting investments, pointing out that there is already an example of a Ukrainian company that has invested in Chile.
“The areas where we see the greatest potential for growth are mining, especially in terms of critical materials, agribusiness and digitalization. Also, Chile has a rich experience in developing public-private partnerships and is ready to share it,” the First Deputy Prime Minister pointed out.

At a meeting with Chilean Foreign Minister Alberto Claveren, Sviridenko invited Chilean leaders to join the first Global Peace Summit, in particular, to lead the fourth point of the peace formula concerning the return of Ukrainian children illegally deported by Russia. She thanked Chilean President Gabriel Borich, who expressed his willingness to join the Summit.

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P.I. Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine won National People’s Rating “SCIENTIFIC LEADER OF UKRAINE”

On May 15, the voting in the National People’s Rating “Scientific Leader of Ukraine”, which was held with the support of the media holding “Kozyr Digital”, ended!
The voting was held from March 25 to May 15, 2024, and everyone could vote online for Ukrainian scientists and domestic higher education institutions using the platform
According to the results of the online voting, in which more than 300,000 people took part, the Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine won. In total, 26 universities were included in the ranking, including:
– Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine;
– Ivan Franko National University of Lviv;
– National Aerospace University named after M.E. Zhukovsky “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”;
– National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”;
– National University “Odesa Law Academy”;
– Lviv Polytechnic National University;
– National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine;
– Odesa National Medical University;
– V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University;
– Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University and others.
Iryna Strelkovska, Volodymyr Ivanyshyn, Maksym Tymoshenko, and others were included in the list of leaders in the voting for outstanding scientists. The rating aims to support the representatives of national science, as Ukrainian science today has one of the highest potentials in Europe. Every year, Ukrainian scientists create about 15,000 inventions in various fields, laying the foundations for new promising innovative directions.
Despite the war and the full-scale invasion, Ukrainian scientists and higher education institutions continue to work fruitfully for the development of the state and enhancement of its international image.

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Pork for week fell by 4.5% – “Pig Farmers of Ukraine”

Prices for slaughter pigs continued to decline in the second half of May and reached 55-57 UAH/kg, which is 4.5% lower than a week earlier, according to the Pig Producers of Ukraine association.

According to the report, most operators in the live market this week purchased animals in the range of 55-57 UAH/kg, although higher and lower quotes were occasionally found. The latter, in particular, mainly concern animals of high weight categories, the supply of which still puts pressure on the overall price situation.

According to experts, higher prices were observed in the western regions, while in other regions quotations tended to reach 55.5 UAH/kg. At the same time, the weighted average market price was fixed at 55.8 UAH/kg.

The expectations of meat processing representatives regarding further price dynamics differ. Thus, some procurers do not rule out further price weakness, citing sluggish sales and supply that exceeds demand. Other operators state that the volumes available for booking are quite moderate, and the average slaughter weight of animals is lower than usual. Some operators expect faster sales with the return of favorable weather conditions for picnics, the industry association explained.
