Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine’s budget deficit increased to 88.3 billion UAH in April

The state budget deficit of Ukraine in April 2023 increased to 88.3 billion UAH from 32.6 billion UAH in April and 59.2 billion UAH in March, the Ministry of Finance said on its website on Friday.

It specified that the general fund deficit increased to 91.6 billion UAH from 65.6 billion UAH and 72.6 billion UAH respectively.

The Ministry of Finance with reference to the operational data of the State Treasury specified that the cash expenditures of the state budget in May also increased to 364.7 billion UAH from 295.8 billion UAH in April and 300.8 billion UAH in March.

The same picture is in the general fund: the growth to 277.7 billion UAH from 229.7 billion UAH in April and 225.2 billion UAH in March.

As pointed out by the Ministry of Finance, in May 2023, the receipts to the general fund of the state budget increased again to 184 billion UAH from 162.8 billion UAH in April and 152.2 billion UAH in March.

At the same time, international grant assistance provided by the USA amounted to the same UAH 45.7 billion as in the previous two months.

During January-May this year, cash expenditures of the state budget reached UAH 1 trillion 407.9 billion, including general fund – UAH 1 trillion 142.9 billion, or 95% of budget expenditures against 93.8% in April, while state budget revenues amounted to UAH 1,060.9 billion, of which UAH 225 billion were grant international aid.

During those five months, the state budget was executed with a deficit of UAH 341.2 billion, including the general fund deficit of UAH 401.9 billion against the planned schedule of the general fund deficit of UAH 713.9 billion.

As reported, the Verkhovna Rada on March 21, 2023 increased the state budget expenditures by 487 billion UAH, revenues – by 61 billion UAH, which led to an increase in the deficit by 419 billion UAH.

Now the state budget revenues are set at 1 trillion 390.4 billion UAH, including the general fund – 1 trillion 233.8 billion UAH, while the expenditures are 3 trillion 75.9 billion UAH and 2 trillion 783.4 billion UAH respectively.

The state budget deficit is set at UAH 1 trillion 719.7 billion, including the general fund at UAH 1 trillion 543.9 billion. It is assumed that it will be financed almost entirely by external borrowing of $42 billion.

The Ministry of Finance specified that the value added tax (VAT) from goods produced in Ukraine in May brought 17.3 billion UAH compared to 16.6 billion UAH in April, but VAT refund again decreased from 11.4 billion UAH to 9.9 billion UAH.

The import VAT added another 28.5 billion UAH (25.1 billion UAH in April), personal income tax and military levy 14.1 billion UAH (13.4 billion UAH), royalties for subsoil use 4.5 billion UAH (4.9 billion UAH), and corporate income tax 28.5 billion UAH (2.3 billion UAH) to the budget.

Excise tax brought another 9.5 billion UAH (9.9 billion UAH) to the state budget; import and export duties accounted for 2.5 billion UAH (2.2 billion UAH), and the tax administration exceeded the estimate by 9.1%, or 8.4 billion UAH.

Besides, if in April the general fund of the state budget received another 35.9 billion UAH from the National Bank in the form of transferring part of profits (and the same amount was transferred to the Fund of liquidation of consequences of armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the special fund of the state budget), in May the general fund supported PrivatBank with dividends of 24.2 billion UAH.

Receipts of ERUs to the Pension Fund and social insurance funds in May 2023 rose to 38.5 billion UAH from 37.9 billion UAH in March, added the Ministry of Finance.

According to him, the actual state borrowing in the general fund of the state budget in May 2023 decreased to 142 billion UAH from 193.4 billion UAH in April and 176.7 billion UAH in March, and a total of 738.9 billion UAH for five months, or 87.9% of the plan.

Of which UAH 240.3 billion (UAH 68.6 billion in May) were received from placement of government bonds for five months, including UAH 80.3 billion (UAH 40.7 billion), or $1027.7 million, and EUR86.9 million ($616.4 million and EUR418 million) in foreign currency.

Credit proceeds from external sources for five months amounted to UAH 425.2 billion, including UAH 73.4 billion in May.

At that, payments on state debt repayment in May 2023 increased to 55.1 billion UAH from 46 billion UAH in April, and on servicing – to 45.7 billion UAH from 13.9 billion UAH.

The Ministry of Finance stressed that the rollover of OVDPs in five months was full: the funds raised from OVDPs allowed to fully cover the needs for payments on them.

Erdogan sworn in before parliamentarians

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s swearing-in ceremony was held Saturday at the Turkish parliament.

“The swearing-in ceremony and inauguration of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took place Saturday, June 3, at the Turkish parliament building in Ankara,” Anadolu Agency reported.

The ceremony was attended by representatives from 78 countries, including the heads of state and government of 20 countries.

Erdoğan, 69, was elected to a third presidential term – until 2028.

Later, Erdoğan will lay a wreath at the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder and first president of the Republic of Turkey. A luncheon in honor of the guests who arrived for the event is also planned.

On Saturday, Erdogan will also name a new Turkish cabinet.

Erdogan won the second round of the Turkish presidential election, which was held on May 28. According to data after processing 99.75% of ballots, Erdogan received 52.1% of the votes, while his opponent, opposition leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, won 47.9%.

Earlier, a video on the Club of Experts channel analyzed the situation in Turkey after the elections. The full video can be seen at the link:

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National Bank in May increased sale of currency to nearly $2 bln from $1.374 bln in April

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) in May increased currency sales in the market to $1.991 billion from $1.374 billion in April and $1.674 billion in March.
According to the central bank’s website on Thursday, the volume of purchases in May rose slightly to $63 million versus $4-5 million in April-March, but still remains an order of magnitude below the volume of its sales.
As a result, as the NBU points out, its net foreign exchange interventions last month rose to $1.928 billion from $1.370 billion in April and $1.674 billion in March, but less than $2.431 billion in February and $3.082 billion in January.
According to Alexey Blinov, head of Sense Bank’s analytical department, taking into account the significant inflows of external financing, Ukraine’s international reserves in May should exceed $37 billion, while in April they increased by 13%, or by $4.07 billion – to $35.94 billion.

June 5-6 in Kiev, no precipitation, daytime temperatures up to 26 °

On Monday, June 5, no precipitation is expected in most of Ukraine, only in the Transcarpathian region and the Carpathians, the daytime rain and lightning in places, according to Ukrhydrometecenter.
Wind of alternating directions, 3-8 m/sec. The temperature at night is 6-11°, at sea coast up to 15°, during the day – 20-25°, in the Carpathians – up to 27°.
June 5 is also without precipitation in Kiev. Wind of alternating directions, 3-8 m/sec. The temperature at night is about 10°, during the day – 21-23°.
According to the Central Geophysical Observatory. The highest daytime temperature in Kiev on June 5 was 30.8°C in 1910, the lowest night-time temperature was 2.4°C in 1930.
Tuesday, June 6, in Ukraine, with no precipitation, it rains only in the western regions, sometimes with thunderstorms. The wind is mainly south, in the south and east of the country is northeast, 5-10 meters per second. The temperature at night is 8-13°, in the south 11-16°, during the day it is 21-26°, in Transcarpathian region 18-23°.
According to weather forecasts, there will be no precipitation in Kiev on June 6. The wind is mainly south, 5-10 m/s. The temperature at night is 11-13°, while during the day it will be 24-26°.

Main session of national multi-subject test starts June 5

The basic session of the national multidisciplinary test (NMT) will start on June 5, the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment (UCAQA) reported.
“The main sessions of the national multi-subject test will be held in June in Ukraine and in 47 cities of 30 other countries. For security reasons we do not publish information about where on the territory of Ukraine the testing will take place either on the sites of the Ukrainian and regional centers for assessing the quality of education or on our official pages in social networks. We strongly recommend participants not to disclose where and when the testing will take place as their safety and that of the NFT organizers may depend on it,” press service of UKQA said.
It is noted that the testing will be held in two shifts: the first – from 10:00 am, the second – from 15:00 Kiev time in all countries except the USA and Canada, and in all cities in the USA and Canada NFT will begin at 18:00 Kiev time, that is, at 8:00 in Sacramento, at 9:00 in Edmonton, at 10:00 in Houston, at 11:00 in Detroit, New York and Toronto, at 12:00 in Moncton.
The department stresses that admission to the temporary exam centers will begin 30 minutes and end 10 minutes before testing begins, and that to be admitted you must present a certificate of participation in the NMT and an original identification document or its digital equivalent in the Diya app.
“It is also important to bring a pen and optionally a bottle of drinking water. Paper drafts will be provided to each participant/each participant in the testing room,” the Assessment Center added.
UCLA notes that during the time allotted for the execution of the NFT tasks, participants are not allowed to have with them or at their workplace items not provided by the testing procedure, they must leave them in a specially designated place in the auditorium.
“If for valid reasons a participant/participant cannot take part in the main session of the NFT, he/she may apply for participation in the NFT during additional sessions within three working days from the day of testing. Obviously, being late is not a valid reason, so we recommend that you take care in advance to get to the exam center in time,” – reported in the department.
As reported, the main session of the NFT will be held from June 5 to 23, 2023, and the additional session will be held July 11-24.

Sea pollution with oil products is observed in Odessa

Sea pollution with oil products is observed in the Black Sea near Otrada beach, the press service of the Odessa city council said.
“On the sea surface visually observed characteristic slick of oil products of unspecified size,” – is indicated in the message.
It is noted that employees of the State environmental inspection of the Southwestern district (Nikolaev and Odessa regions) on Saturday morning took samples of sea water in the place of pollution in order to conduct appropriate laboratory analysis.
“For today, employees of the State Environmental Inspection, the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Regional State Administration and the Department of Ecology and Recreation Development are taking joint actions to establish the volume and sources of pollution and informing law enforcement agencies in the prescribed manner,” – stressed in the City Council.