Business news from Ukraine


According to political scientist Daniil Bogatyriov, in recent weeks, international relations are characterized by an escalation in confrontation between various centers of power.
According to the expert in international affairs, the beginning of not one, but two cold wars is characteristic of the current geopolitical situation in the world: between Russia and the United States in Eastern Europe and between China and the United States in Southeast Asia.
“For example, a recent meeting of the representatives of the U.S. Department State and the Chinese Foreign Ministry in Alaska only exacerbated contradictions between the countries. At the end of the meeting, unambiguous confrontational statements were made. The American side expressed to the Chinese one claims about the violation of human rights in Hong Kong and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the increasing pressure in Taiwan. The Chinese, in turn, pointed to the facts of human rights violations in the United States during the suppression of the BLM protest movement,” Bogatyriov said.
According to the political scientist, a similar level of confrontation has also been achieved between the United States and the Russian Federation.
“Today we see attempts to eliminate internal opposition in Russia and Belarus. Thus, the Russian authorities have launched a process to recognize the structure of Alexei Navalny (the Anti-Corruption Foundation) an extremist organization. It is no coincidence that the so-called conspiracy of the opposition intelligentsia has been uncovered in Belarus just now,” the expert said.
He noted that all these processes in the future may lead to the formation of the phenomenon of “large spaces” in various regions of the world, which will in fact be zones of direct influence of one or another large state.
“We are entering the world of “large spaces,” the world of zones of influence, where a cold war will flare up between them and in the future serious restrictions on the movement of citizens and any other cross-border activities are not ruled out. Such things will be possible only within the framework of their large space, that is, this will lead to the lowering of the very real “iron curtain,” as it was in the last cold war,” Bogatyriov summed up.
You can watch the full video on the Experts’ Club YouTube channel.
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Ukrainian YouTube channels in 2020 have grown in terms of audience and views, head of the YouTube partner program in Central and Eastern Europe Javid Aslanov said during an online conference on Wednesday, March 24.
According to him, over the past year, the number of Ukrainian channels with 100,000 subscribers and more has increased by 35%, and channels with 1 million subscribers and more – by 45%. On average, a Ukrainian user spends on YouTube more than 55 minutes every day.
According to YouTube, the main markets for Ukrainian creators on the platform are India, Indonesia, Brazil, the United States, the Middle East, and the EU.
Also, according to YouTube statistics, over the past three months, more than 1 billion users around the world have watched the channels of Ukrainian authors.
Among the most popular languages ​​(in addition to Ukrainian and Russian), in which Ukrainian creators run their channels, are English, Spanish, Hindi and Arabic, as well as Portuguese, Indonesian and Vietnamese (in abbreviated order).
In Ukrainian segment of YouTube during the pandemic, quite unique trends arose: in December 2020, educational content (physics, mathematics and chemistry) in Ukraine was watched 50% more actively than a year before.
Viewers’ interest in local travel content has significantly increased – videos about hiking and rafting have grown in views by more than 80%.
“One of the most interesting trends in Ukrainian YouTube during the pandemic was the content on fish farming – the viewing time of the corresponding videos increased by 50% in December 2020 compared to December 2019,” the project’s presentation said.
In general, in Ukraine in 2020, daily views of home workout videos increased by 70,6%, videos with meditations increased in views – by 35%, and views of culinary channels increased by 45%.
In addition, the time of watching live streams on YouTube worldwide has grown ten times in three years, and viewers watch live streams on average four times longer than regular videos.



Almost 60% of Ukrainians call themselves Europeans, according to the survey held by Active Group sociological company. This is evidenced by the results of a common study conducted by Active Group sociological company and the Experts Club company and presented at the Interfax-Ukraine agency.
“Being asked if he/she considers himself/herself a European, 43.4% of respondents said affirmatively, 14.6% said rather yes, while 13.6% said rather no, and 24.1% said definitely no,” said head of Active Group Oleksandr Pozniy at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine in Kyiv.
Another 4.3% found it difficult to answer this question.
According to the expert, 64.5% of citizens consider it important to introduce a visa-free regime with the countries of the European Union, while 72.3% did not use these preferences.
A number of 25.7% of respondents said visa-free regime is very important, according to 38.8% of the respondents it was rather important, for 18.8% – rather not important and 8.2% of the respondents considered it to be strongly useless.
According to the survey, only 23.5% of respondents took advantage of the “visa-free” opportunity to travel to European Union countries, 4.2% found it difficult to answer the question.
According to Active Group, the survey was conducted by telephone interview on June 7-9. Some 1,236 respondents were interviewed in all regions of Ukraine, except for the uncontrolled territories and Crimea. The study is representative by age, gender and place of residence. The sampling error does not exceed 2.8%.

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Only 15% of citizens know the Constitution of Ukraine good enough, head of Active Group sociological company Oleksandr Pozniy said. This is evidenced by the results of a common study conducted by Active Group sociological company and the Experts Club company and presented at the Interfax-Ukraine agency.
“Being asked if one read the Constitution of Ukraine, 15% of respondents said that they have read it carefully and know it well,” Pozniy said at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine in Kyiv on Monday.
According to him, in a course of the telephone poll carried by the Active Group from June 7 and 9, a total of 1,236 people from all over Ukraine, except of occupied territories and Crimea, were polled. The poll’s margin of error does not exceed 2.8%.
According to the survey, 42.3% of respondents read only separate provisions of the Fundamental Law, 24.1% once read something, but no longer remember it, 16.8% did not read, 1.8% found it difficult to answer.
At the same time, 81.6% of respondents believe that the Constitution should be known (48% say it is not necessary to know, 33.6% – rather should know).
According to 4.3% of respondents, it rather unnecessary to know the Constitution, 2.3% – it should not be learned at all, and 11.8% found it difficult to answer.
Nearly 51.6% of respondents did not face a situation where ignorance of the provisions of the Constitution caused them difficulties or problems; 16.1% – faced such a situation; 23% – could probably faced it, but are not sure; and 9.3% found it difficult to answer the question.
According to Active Group, the survey was conducted by telephone interview on June 7-9. Some 1,236 respondents were interviewed in all regions of Ukraine, except for the uncontrolled territories and Crimea. The study is representative by age, gender and place of residence. The sampling error does not exceed 2.8%.

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