Business news from Ukraine

Nikolaev grain trader “Prometey” will send first ship with wheat through “grain corridor”

Prometey grain trader signed an export contract for the supply of 25,000 tons of food wheat from the Chornomorsk seaport in mid-September, the passage of the vessel became possible due to the deblockade of Ukrainian ports under the Istanbul grain agreements.
“In accordance with the contract, to load agricultural products, the bulk carrier will arrive in the territorial waters of Ukraine in 2-3 weeks. After the inspection, the dry cargo ship will follow from the port of Chornomorsk to its destination in mid-September,” the group of companies said in a press release on Monday.
“Prometey” emphasized that the conclusion of this contract gives the holding a reason to raise the minimum export bar at the level of 70-80 thousand tons of agricultural products per month.
The grain trader also clarified that it would take months to send a comparable amount of cargo by rail or road.
“This is already a victory on the front of global food security, in the structure of which Ukrainian grain trading companies play an important role. Another important component of the launch of the “grain corridor” is the trend towards improving the situation on the domestic agricultural market,” Prometey summed up in a press release. .
Prometey Group of Companies provides services for the storage, processing and logistics of grain and leguminous crops based on 33 elevators with a total storage capacity of 1.7 million tons.
At the end of 2021, the group of companies planned to receive $45 million in EBITDA, while in 2020 this figure reached $32.6 million, and in 2019 – $30.5 million.

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On April 11, the Prometey group of companies resumed the work of its Kiev office, while its main office in Nikolaev has not stopped working since the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the grain trader’s website reported on Friday.
The owner of the holding, Rafael Goroyan, noted in a message that the Kyiv staff of Prometey is returning to the production process, since now the city is calm and safe.
The grain trader clarified that he still does not have access to 3 thousand hectares in the Snigirevsky district of the Nikolaev region due to the occupation of part of the region by Russian troops, while the total land bank of Prometey is 20 thousand hectares.
In the territory controlled by Ukraine, out of 17 thousand hectares, 10 thousand hectares have already been sown with winter crops, sunflower is being planted in the remaining areas.
“Prometey” recalled that in mid-March, Russian invaders attacked the offices of the production companies “VK Prometey” (Peski village) and Agro Capital Center LLC (AKC, Dobraya Krinitsa village, both – Mykolaiv region), where they destroyed / x and office equipment, documentation, weighing and monitoring systems. Despite the attack, the company has already reopened branches.
GC “Prometey” provides services for the storage, processing and logistics of grain and leguminous crops on the basis of 29 elevators in Mykolaiv, Kirovograd, Kiev, Khmelnytsky, Zaporozhye, Sumy, Odessa, Kherson and Dnepropetrovsk regions.
At the end of 2021, Prometey Group plans to receive $45 million in EBITDA, while in 2020 this figure reached $32.6 million, and in 2019 – $30.5 million.
The founder and owner of Prometey Group of Companies is Rafael Goroyan.

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Prometey Group of Companies, which owns 29 granaries in Ukraine with a total storage capacity of 1.7 million tonnes of agricultural crops, intends to purchase four-six more elevators this year, the company’s website reported on Monday.
“In the future, Prometey Group intends to take a leading position in terms of one-time storage capacity and become the largest latifundist in Ukraine. This year, the company aims to purchase four-six more elevators,” the grain trader said in a statement.
It is noted that in 2021, Prometey acquired four granaries, which made it possible to increase the elevator capacity of the group of companies by 210,000 tonnes.
Prometey provides services for the storage, processing and logistics of grain and leguminous crops on the basis of 29 elevators in Mykolaiv, Kirovohrad, Kyiv, Khmelnytsky, Zaporizhia, Sumy, Odesa, Kherson and Dnipropetrovsk regions.

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Prometey group of companies in 2020 increased its EBITDA by 6.8% compared to 2019 – up to $32.6 million, according to the results of its financial audit conducted by the international company KPMG posted on the grain trader’s website.

At the same time, the company does not provide data on the profit/loss received in the past year.

Prometey in 2020 also increased its revenue by 14.8% compared to 2019 – to $254.2 million. Its assets as of December 31, 2020 amounted to $199.3 million.

“It is noted that Prometey group of companies in 2020 entered the top five (in Ukraine, 1.7 million tonnes of one-time storage) in terms of elevator capacities. In the last marketing year, the group also confirmed its title of one of the leaders in the agricultural sector, selling about 1 million tonnes of grains and oilseeds,” the grain trader said.

Prometey provides services for the storage, processing and logistics of grain and leguminous crops on the basis of 29 elevators in Mykolaiv, Kirovohrad, Kyiv, Khmelnytsky, Zaporizhia, Sumy, Odesa, Kherson and Dnipropetrovsk regions.

In 2021, Prometey Group plans to receive $45 million in EBITDA.



Prometey Group has acquired an elevator (Zolochiv, Kharkiv region), designed for a one-time storage of 30,000 tonnes of grain, the asset will strengthen the position of the grain trader in Kharkiv region, which is profitable for agribusiness, the company’s website says. “Thanks to the Zolochiv elevator complex, we want to provide farmers with a new quality of services, including the services of Agromarket. Due to the new asset, Prometey Group plans to strengthen its position in Kharkiv region,” regional director of the elevator direction Dmytro Maksymenko said.
Prometey clarified that the Zolochiv elevator with a simultaneous storage capacity of 30,000 tonnes is certified for storage of grain and oilseeds. The complex has a grain-cleaning separator with a capacity of 100 tonnes/hour, and grain dryers with a capacity of 64 tonnes/hour.
The capacity of unloading grain by the elevator to railway transport is 400 tonnes/day, and the granary is also equipped with three truck unloaders. Weighing is carried out on scales with a carrying capacity of 60 tonnes and a platform length of 16 meters.
The company noted that the decision to expand the presence of Prometey at the expense of Kharkiv region is dictated by the high technical efficiency of agriculture in this region. The company referred to the studies of the Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) and the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club association according to which Kharkiv region is one of the “references” for agricultural activities, and the stable growth of acreage and production of agricultural products favorably influences the development of the elevator industry.
Prometey recalled the Agromarket program, operating on the basis of each elevator in the chain, and allowing the company’s client farmers to purchase the necessary agricultural goods in one place, including on the security of the future harvest.

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