Business news from Ukraine

Russian oil deliveries to Hungary and Slovakia in transit through Ukraine should resume soon

A Ukrainian transport company reacted positively to the proposal of Slovnaft and MOL to pay transit fees for transporting oil through the southern branch of the Druzhba oil pipeline, the Slovak company said.
“Slovnaft has already made a payment to the company’s account. Based on this, Slovnaft expects the resumption of oil supplies in the coming days. The Russian side also agreed with this decision,” the company stressed.
According to Bloomberg, the Hungarian MOL also transferred the transit payment and expects to resume deliveries in the coming days.
Earlier, Transneft reported that on August 4, Ukrtransnafta stopped the transit of Russian oil through Ukraine due to a failure to pay the transit fee. It was noted that the funds sent on July 22 for transit in August were returned to the account of Transneft on July 28 in connection with the entry into force of EU Regulation 2022/1269. Through the southern branch of the Druzhba oil pipeline passing through the territory of Ukraine, oil supplies are carried out in the direction of the refineries of Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic on the basis of a long-term agreement between PJSC Transneft and JSC Ukrtransnafta for the provision of oil transportation services on the terms of 100% prepayment.
The Hungarian MOL and the Slovak Slovnaft (also part of the MOL group) initiated discussions with the Ukrainian and Russian sides on the possibility of paying a transit fee to MOL or Slovnaft, which would allow oil supplies to be restored.
“The interruption of supplies occurred after technical problems at the bank level due to the payment of transit fees from the Russian side. However, production at the Bratislava refinery is running smoothly, and deliveries to the market are smooth. During this period, the Bratislava refinery is in close cooperation with the national oil transporter Transpetrol, as well as in cooperation with the Slovak Ministry of Economy, uses all the reserves available in the system for processing,” Slovnaft said.
So far, there have been no reports of a solution to the problem of transit to the Czech Republic.
Last year, 12 million tons of Russian oil was transported through Druzhba through Ukraine, including 3.4 million tons to the Czech Republic, 5.2 million tons to Slovakia, and 3.4 million tons to Hungary.

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In May 2022, NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine created the company Naftogaz Slovakia s.r.o., according to data from the open registers of the republic,
The authorized capital in the amount of EUR300 thousand is provided by another subsidiary of NJSC – Naftogaz Trading Europe AG (Switzerland). Vladimir Tomash, an Ivano-Frankivsk businessman, is listed as the head of the Slovak enterprise.
The company’s initial activity was the rental of real estate, and since mid-June, administrative services, mediation in the field of trade and production, advertising, marketing and consulting services, as well as market and public opinion research have been added.
Naftogaz of Ukraine unites the largest oil and gas producing enterprises of the country (100% of Ukrgazvydobuvannya and 50% + 1 share of PJSC Ukrnafta). The Group has a monopoly on the storage of natural gas in underground storage facilities (100% Ukrtransgaz) and the transportation of oil by pipeline across the country (100% Ukrtransnafta), and is actively developing the direction of gas supplies to household consumers.



Proceeds from sales of NPC Ukrenergo’s available interstate transmission capacity for electricity exports to Romania and Slovakia amounted to UAH 200.3 million since the opening on June 30.
These data are based on the results of the latest auctions in the Romanian and Slovak directions, held on July 10 with delivery on July 12. According to them, the section price to Slovakia was UAH 10.3 million and to Romania – UAH 10.2 million.
Traditionally, the most active participants in these auctions are DTEK Zakhidenergo, ERU Trading, and Le-Trading Ukraine.
At the same time, Energoatom began to participate in auctions for the export of electricity to Slovakia from the moment they started on July 5 for supplies on July 7 (two days before delivery). For the first time, the company bought almost 500 MWh of the possible 1200 MWh for export at the auction on July 9 with delivery on July 11. The plans for July 12 are to export 131 MWh.
At the same time, Ukrhydroenergo, which for the first time bought out a section to Slovakia for export of 148 MWh on July 9, and then for export of 110 MWh on July 10, ended the last two auctions with delivery on July 11 and 12 to no avail.
Auctions with delivery on July 10 became an anti-record at the cross-section price: for Slovakia, it fell on this day to UAH 11/MWh with delivery at 12-16:00, and the highest was UAH 2,390 /MWh at 23:00. For Romania, the lowest price was UAH 100/MWh at 13-14:00, the highest was a little over UAH 2,200/MWh with delivery at 21:00-23:00. For comparison: according to the results of all auctions, the price for Romania was the lowest on July 3 – UAH 1,380/MWh.
It is noteworthy that Ukrhydroenergo reserved most of its daily resource at the lowest prices in both directions.
In general, in both directions, the price of a section on July 10 amounted to a little more than UAH 2 million.
As of July 11, this figure was already ten times more – UAH 20.5 million.
The section from Slovakia and Romania for July 10-12, as before, was not reserved.
The section to Poland continues to be purchased at daily auctions in addition to the 147 MW capacity purchased at the monthly auction by DTEK Zakhidenergo – at 65 MW every hour (1,560 MWh per day) on July 10-12.
The daily cross-section to Moldova on July 10-12, according to the traditional scenario, was divided by Energoatom, which bought out a cross-section for export of 9,400 MWh per day, and Ukrhydroenergo – 2,400 MWh per day.
The section price at all auctions, except for exports to Romania, is UAH 0/MWh.

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Ukraine plans to develop the Open Border project at border crossings with Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova.
“We are also implementing similar projects to increase capacity at the borders with other Western neighbors. We are already negotiating to join the Open Border of Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova,” Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov was quoted as saying in a Facebook post on Monday.
As reported earlier, Ukraine and Poland doubled the throughput at the Krakovets-Korcheva checkpoint modernized as part of the Open Border project.

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A conference in support of Ukraine will be held in Slovakia in early June under the auspices of GLOBSEC, President of the organization Róbert Vass (Slovakia) said.
“GLOBSEC is preparing a large conference in Bratislava for June 2 to June 4 to mobilize military, humanitarian, economic and financial support for Ukraine, where prime ministers, presidents are invited and offered Ukraine the chairmanship of the event,” the Verkhovna Rada said on its website on Friday, citing the words Vass at the meeting of the delegation of parliamentarians of the EU Member States (GLOBSEC) with heads of the Verkhovna Rada committees and First Deputy Chairman Oleksandr Korniyenko.
Vass said that an international group of European parliamentarians, created under the auspices of GLOBSEC, came to Kyiv to support Ukraine in its struggle for sovereignty and independence.
Vass said Ukrainians are not just fighting for its soil, but also for Europe. These are the fundamental foundations of international law, so it is GLOBSEC moral duty to help Ukraine so that Ukrainians are not alone in this struggle. Today, the future of the West is determined in the East. Ukraine has shown that its place is in Europe, in the world of Euro-Atlantic values. GLOBSEC will help in Ukraine’s official accession to Europe, the president of the organization said.
Kornyienko urged European colleagues to involve their parliaments and governments in the restoration of Ukraine, to become partners of Ukrainian regions and cities.
“We heard your message about the conference and our participation in it. We will form both government and parliamentary delegations at the highest level in order to substantively discuss all issues, in particular, specific restoration projects,” Kornienko said.
A delegation of European parliamentarians, together with MPs of Ukraine, visited Bucha and Borodianka destroyed by the Russian Nazis in Kyiv region.
GLOBSEC is an analytical center in Central Europe and organizer of the annual Bratislava Forum.

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Slovakia will continue to pay for Russian gas in euros in accordance with the agreed rules, Slovak Prime Minister Edward Heger said.
“The company Slovensky plynarensky priemysel (Slovak gas industry) has signed a long-term contract with the Russian Gazprom and payments for the purchased gas will be made in euros in accordance with the agreed rules and recommendations of the European Commission,” Heger wrote on the social network.
Slovensky plynarensky priemysel is the largest oil refinery in the country.
The Prime Minister also announced on Twitter (SPB: TWTR) that Slovakia, together with the EU, will accelerate the move away from gas dependence on Russia.

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