Business news from Ukraine

Experts Club conducted a training session for teachers on pre-medical care for children

With the start of the new school year, new rules came into force in Ukraine, providing for different training regimes depending on the level of security in different regions. These measures were introduced in response to the high level of danger.

Taking into account the current situation and the importance of ensuring the safety of pupils and students, the Experts Club training and analysis center in Kyiv organized a training seminar on pre-medical assistance for teachers. The training, which took place on September 29 in Kyiv, was designed to provide teachers with the necessary skills to provide first aid in case of wounds and injuries.

The seminar was organized by the Experts Club think tank and medical partner Adonis. The seminar was also supported by the charity organization Hromada Priirpeniya Foundation and information support from Interfax-Ukraine news agency and Open4business portal.

The main presenter of the training was Maryana Bolyuk, an anesthesiologist and representative of the Adonis group of medical centers. Maryana is a co-author of 12 scientific publications and has rich experience in the field of medicine.

During the seminar, teachers and educators received not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills necessary to provide first aid to children in various situations. Among the main topics covered were:

1. Basics of pre-medical care: The workshop participants learned the basic principles and steps to follow when providing first aid, including assessing the situation, ensuring safety, calling for emergency medical assistance and providing emergency interventions.

2. Treating different types of wounds and injuries: Trainers learned how to properly treat wounds, stop bleeding, fix fractures, and treat bruises and sprains.

3. Pre-medical care for children: Teachers gained specialized knowledge on first aid for children, taking into account their body characteristics and emotional reactions.

4. Practical exercises: Practical exercises were an important part of the workshop, including modeling different situations and practicing first aid skills.

Training teachers and educators in first aid for children with injuries and trauma is an important initiative to promote safety in educational institutions. Experts Club and Adonis will continue to support such educational initiatives to ensure the highest level of safety in educational institutions of Ukraine.

Maksym Urakin, founder of Experts Club, emphasized that teachers play a key role in children’s lives and knowledge of pre-medical care skills is a part of education that can save lives.

“Such workshops help teachers not only feel more confident in emergency situations, but also provide them with the opportunity to teach their students the basics of first aid, which is also an important skill for everyone,” Urakin noted.

The training was attended by university professors and school teachers from Kyiv and the Bucha district of Kyiv region.
Oleksandr Golizdra, Chairman of the Committee on Information Policy and Relations with Local Authorities of the Public Council at the Bucha District State Administration, asked the participants to pass on the knowledge and skills gained to their colleagues in educational institutions.

According to Tetyana Lagovska, executive director of the Pryirpin Community Foundation, the main thing in first aid is the efficiency of actions to stabilize the victim’s condition. However, as the volunteer noted, it is also important to adhere to the principle of “do no harm,” so it is important to know what should and should not be done before the arrival of professional doctors.

The participants of the training expressed their gratitude to the organizers and the instructor for the valuable knowledge and experience gained at the training. They also emphasized the importance of such events and hope that such educational seminars will continue in the future. In addition, each participant received as a gift a fully equipped first aid kit for first aid in case of wounds.

The pre-medical care workshop for teachers was an example of how educational institutions and medical partners can collaborate to ensure the safety of students and staff. These efforts will help strengthen the education system and prepare teachers for the variety of challenges they may face in educational institutions in war.

Experts Club and Adonis pledge to continue to support and conduct similar educational initiatives, as they see them as an opportunity to make education safer and encompass not only academic but also life skills.

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Key macroeconomic indicators of Ukraine in July-August 2023 by Experts club

The article summarizes and analyzes the main macroeconomic indicators of Ukraine. In connection with the entry into force of the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of the Interests of Business Entities during Martial Law or a State of War”, the State Statistics Service of Ukraine suspends the publication of statistical information for the period of martial law and for three months after its termination. The exception is the publication of information on the consumer price index, separate information on statistical indicators for 2021 and for the period January-February 2022. The article analyzes open data from the State Statistics Service, the National Bank, and think tanks.

Demographic indicators of Ukraine
Speaking about the demographic factor in the development of the Ukrainian economy, Maksym Urakin cited the data previously announced by the Director of the Ptukha Ella Libanova Institute for Demography and Social Studies. Ella Libanova, depopulation is an inevitable scenario for Ukraine. A labor shortage is absolutely inevitable.
According to the estimates she presented at the Regional Economic Forum, as of the beginning of this year, the population in the government-controlled areas was 31.6 million people, and now it has slightly increased. Libanova pointed out that the population forecast for the beginning of 2033 within the borders of 1991 Ukraine ranges from 26-35 million people.
According to her, the potential for demographic growth has been exhausted, and this can be offset by migration.

Economic recovery
Ukraine’s real gross domestic product grew by 19.5% in the second quarter of 2023 compared to the second quarter of 2022.
“According to the State Statistics Service’s preliminary estimate, compared to the previous quarter (seasonally adjusted), GDP in the second quarter of this year grew by 0.8%,” said Maksym Urakin.
The key risk for our economy remains the longer duration and intensity of the war, as well as a decrease in the volume or loss of rhythm of international assistance, the resumption of a significant electricity shortage due to further destruction of the energy infrastructure and other risks.
Analysis of Ukraine’s foreign trade
Maksym Urakin also drew attention to the factor of the growing negative foreign trade balance, which has been observed since the beginning of the war.
“The negative balance of Ukraine’s foreign trade in goods in January-July 2023 tripled compared to the same period in 2022, to $13.8 billion from $4.315 billion. This means that the cost of purchasing the goods Ukraine needs is almost $14 billion higher than the income from exporting Ukrainian goods to other countries,” said Urakin, PhD in Economics.

Ukraine’s financial situation in 2023
However, according to the expert, no less important aspects of the economy are public debt, international reserves, and inflation.
“In July 2023, Ukraine’s total public debt increased by 3.1% to a new all-time high: by $4 billion in dollar terms, to $132.92 billion. In its inflation report at the end of July, the National Bank of Ukraine expects the public debt to grow from 78.4% of GDP to 84.6% of GDP this year, to 96.6% of GDP next year, and to 98.2% of GDP in 2025,” said Maksym Urakin.
According to the expert, the main source of funding for Ukraine’s budget is still related to foreign aid.
“Half of the budget is financed through taxes and fees, while the other half is financed through international grants and loans,” he emphasized.
“Ukraine’s international reserves declined in August and amounted to $40.3 billion as of September 1, 2023,” the analyst added.
As for inflation, it showed a slowdown.
“In August 2023, inflation in Ukraine decreased by 1.4% after a 0.6% decline in July and a 0.8% increase in June. In 2022, the annualized inflation rate was almost 27%,” Urakin said.
Thus, the economic situation in Ukraine, according to the founder of the Club of Experts, continues to be complex and multifaceted, requiring close monitoring and adaptation of strategies in response to changing conditions.

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65% of Ukrainians could not recall a single brand of domestic wine – survey

More than 65% of Ukrainians surveyed cannot recall a single brand of domestically produced wine. This is evidenced by the results of a sociological survey conducted by Active Group in cooperation with the Kyiv-based analytical center Experts Club.

Among the domestic wine brands most frequently mentioned by Ukrainians are Koblevo, Shabo, Villa Krym, Bolgrad, Chizay, Kolonist, Inkerman, Oreanda and others. Also, only 30% of respondents have tasted Ukrainian-made craft wine at least once in their lives, and 17% do not know what craft winemaking is.

On the other hand, 54% of respondents would prefer Ukrainian wine if they had to choose a bottle for a visit or a party. At the same time, 47% of respondents prefer Ukrainian alcohol in general, while 27% prefer imported alcohol, and 27% are undecided.

In addition, the survey showed that 30% of citizens do not drink alcohol at all, 28% drink alcohol once a month or less, and 16% drink no more than once a week.

“In wine-growing countries, people are very patriotic about their own products, but in Ukraine, for some reason, sommeliers would rather recommend a foreign product than Ukrainian ones, even though we have quite high-quality craft wines. Therefore, it is necessary to change the worldview and popularize our own production so that the word Ukrainian is synonymous with quality,” said Oleksandr Poznyi, director of Active Group.

In turn, Maxim Urakin, founder of the Experts Club think tank, emphasized the importance of Ukrainian wine in new markets.

“Increasing export volumes is also a good information occasion that will make Ukrainian wine more popular among our consumers. This can be achieved through obtaining international certificates confirming the high quality of Ukrainian wine, as well as through cooperation with well-known winemakers from other countries to improve the skills of Ukrainian winemakers. An example of such cooperation is the assistance to Ukrainian winemaking from the world-famous representative of this industry, Ricardo Fernandez Nunez, owner of the international wine group Vinos de la Luz,” said Urakin.

Volodymyr Pechko, Chairman of the Association of Gardeners, Winegrowers and Winemakers of Ukraine (UKRSADVINPROM), noted that the creation and presentation of new unique varieties and improvement of production technologies could be important factors that will improve the image of Ukrainian craft wine among consumers.

“Ukrainian wineries are increasingly implementing modern wine production technologies. This can be a good reason to hold public events and popularize this product. In particular, UkrSadVinProm has stepped up the use of the latest technologies in the field of planting, processing, cleaning, storage and transportation of wine and wine materials to ensure that Ukrainian fruits and berries meet international quality standards,” said Pechko.

The survey was conducted in July 2023 among Ukrainian citizens aged 18 and older by self-administered questionnaires in the SunFlowerSociology panel.

About 1 thousand respondents – citizens of Ukraine aged 18 and older – took part in the survey, which was conducted online in the SunFlower Sociology panel. The survey program was developed jointly by Experts Club and Active group.

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Ukrainian Squash Federation launches free training for children in Sport Life network

The Ukrainian Squash Federation has announced the successful development and implementation of a free training program for children. The launch of a unique project – the Kyiv Sports Children’s and Youth Sports School (CYSS) – was made possible thanks to the cooperation of the FSU and the Sport Life network of clubs.
Squash is not just entertainment. This game fosters discipline in children, teaches them to make decisions on the go and stimulates the development of strategic thinking. The game of squash is dynamic and intense at the same time, helping the child to develop harmoniously. It is not surprising that squash has gained such popularity in educational institutions. The game is included in the curricula of the most prestigious American universities, such as Harvard and Yale. This demonstrates the high appreciation of the effectiveness and benefits of this sport for the development of young people.

Classes for young athletes will be held in the two largest squash centers of the Sport Life club network – in Poznyaki and Teremky. Here children will have the opportunity to learn the game under the guidance of qualified coaches.
The training schedule is very convenient – on weekdays from 15:00 to 17:00. The difference in age groups is taken into account, so training is organized for children aged 6-8 and 9-11.
“The Ukrainian Squash Federation in cooperation with the Sport Life network of clubs is making a huge step towards popularizing this sport among young people. Let’s open up new horizons for our children together, teaching them a healthy lifestyle, discipline and mutual assistance through the game of squash,” said Dmytro Shcherbakov, President of the Ukrainian Squash Federation,
In his turn, Maxim Urakin, Vice President of the FSU, noted that the development of junior squash shows that this sport has good prospects for development in Ukraine.

“Last year, our juniors demonstrated excellent results at international competitions and proved that the Ukrainian squash school is one of the strongest in Europe, winning bronze at the continental championship. The opening of new training grounds for children will only strengthen this trend,” emphasized Urakin.
The program of the Kyiv Sports School provides free training for children, but the number of places is limited, so we advise you not to delay the registration and provide your child with quality and productive leisure.
Squash is a sport with a ball and a racket indoors. The game is played with special rackets on a court surrounded by walls on four sides. In 2003, Forbes magazine recognized squash as one of the healthiest sports in terms of injury rates. In addition, squash is considered the most energy-consuming sport in the world in terms of calories burned per unit of time. More than 20 million people play squash in the world.

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Industrial production in Ukraine decreased by 2.9% in first half of 2023

Industrial production in Ukraine in the first half of 2023 decreased by 2.9%, while last year during this period the decline amounted to 31.9%, the State Statistics Service (Gosstat) has reported.

The agency specified that since March this year has been recorded growth in industrial production: after a jump of 51.2% in March, the recovery slowed to 18.2% in April, 17.9% in May and 13.7% in June.

At the same time, a 40% and 34.4% drop to pre-war January and February 2022, respectively, caused a generally negative result for the half-year.

State Statistics Service specifies that the data are given without taking into account the temporarily occupied territory of Crimea and Sevastopol, as well as part of the temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

By sector, the statistical office recorded the largest decline – 11.4% – in the supply of electricity, gas and steam in January-June this year, while in the extractive industry it amounted to 9.2%.

Metal ore mining fell the most – by 28.7%, while oil and gas – by only 2.7%, and in coal mining even recorded a slight increase of 0.8%.

In general, the production in the processing industry increased by 3.1% in the first half of the year.

This indicator was provided by the production of motor vehicles – 29.9%, machine building – 12.9%, food industry — 12.1%, production of furniture, repair and installation of machinery – 11.6%, production of rubber and plastic products – 6.5% and woodworking industry – 4%.

The biggest decline in the processing industry was shown by the production of coke and refined petroleum products – 51.4% and metallurgy – 20.9%.

In nominal terms, Ukraine in January-June 2023 realized industrial products (goods, services) worth 1549.66 billion UAH, which is 6.5% more than in January-June 2022 (1455.125 billion UAH), including outside the country – in the amount of 282.363 billion UAH.

According to its data, in June-2023 compared to June-2022, the turnover of realized mining and processing industry increased by 35%.

In the total sales of industrial products for the first six months of 2023, the largest specific weight came from the processing industry (56.2%), supply of electricity, gas, steam and conditioned air (31.3%), mining and quarrying (11.4%), and another 1.1% was water supply, sewerage and waste.

As reported, industrial production in Ukraine in 2022 fell by 36.9%, while in 2021 there was an increase of 1.9%.
Earlier, the research project Experts Club and Maxim Urakin released an analytical video about the economy of Ukraine and the world – the experts club and Maxim Urakin.

You can subscribe to the Experts Club YouTube channel at the link –

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Spain’s economy grew by 0.5% in second quarter of 2023

Spain’s economy grew by 0.5% in the second quarter of 2023 compared to the previous quarter, according to revised data from the INE statistics agency.

Earlier, an increase of 0.4% was announced. At the same time, analysts did not expect a revision, Trading Economics reports.

Business investment increased by 1.9%, including 3.6% in the construction sector. Consumer spending increased by 0.9%, government spending by 1.6%.

Meanwhile, exports declined by 3.1%, while imports fell by 2%.

Data for the first quarter were also improved: GDP growth was 0.6%, not 0.5%.

The Spanish economy grew by 2.2% in April-June compared to the same period last year, not 1.8% as previously reported. In the first quarter, the growth was 4.2%.

The Bank of Spain predicts a further slowdown in the country’s economic growth in the third quarter to 0.3%. By the end of 2023, GDP is expected to increase by 2.3%.

The Experts Club research project and Maksym Urakin have recently released an analytical video on the economies of Ukraine and the world

You can subscribe to the Experts Club YouTube channel at

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