Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Oil prices rise, Brent $80.84 per barrel

Oil prices are rising on Thursday after falling the day before due to data on the growth of US stockpiles.

The cost of April futures for Brent on the London ICE Futures exchange as of 7:20 a.m. is $80.84 per barrel, which is $0.29 (0.36%) higher than at the close of the previous trading. On Wednesday, these contracts fell by $1.95 (2.4%) to $80.55 per barrel.

March futures for WTI in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) have risen in price by this time by $0.3 (0.4%) to $76.15 per barrel. As a result of the previous trading, the value of these contracts fell by $1.97 (2.5%) to $75.85 per barrel.

In January, oil prices rose for the first time in 4 months amid Houthi attacks on ships in the Red Sea and retaliatory measures by the United States and its allies. Brent went up by 6.1% over the month, while WTI rose by 5.9%.

Last weekend it became known about the death of three US military personnel as a result of a drone attack on a US base in Jordan. Traders are waiting for the US to retaliate, fearing further escalation of the conflict in the region.

“In general, the market remains cautious, waiting for Washington’s response to the attack on the base in Jordan, as well as how Iran will react further,” ING analysts said in a review, as quoted by Market Watch.

The report of the US Department of Energy, published the day before, showed an unexpected increase in oil reserves in the country and an increase in production.

Commercial oil reserves in the United States last week increased by 1.23 million barrels to 421.91 million barrels, the Energy Department said. Experts surveyed by Bloomberg had on average predicted a decrease in reserves by 1.1 million barrels.

Oil production in the United States increased last week, exceeding 13 million barrels per day.


KSG Agro exported 4600 tons of wheat to Spain in December

In December 2023, KSG Agro agricultural holding exported 4600 tons of wheat to Spain, the company’s press service reports.

According to the report, the wheat was purchased by grain trading companies.

“In wartime, any export delivery is always a task with many unknowns. However, despite numerous difficulties, we continue to export grain to international markets. In the current most difficult period of Ukraine’s history, the food security of many countries depends on us, agricultural producers and exporters,” said Sergiy Kasyanov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of KSG Agro, as quoted in the report.

As reported, in the first quarter of 2023, KSG Agro exported 4,200 tons of grain crops mainly to Asia and Africa. Deliveries were made as part of the “grain corridor” through the ports of Odesa and Odesa region.

KSG Agro, a vertically integrated holding company, is engaged in pig breeding, as well as the production, storage, processing and sale of grains and oilseeds. Its land bank is about 21 thousand hectares in Dnipropetrovska and Kherson regions.

According to the agricultural holding, it is one of the top 5 pork producers in Ukraine.

In January-September 2023, KSG Agro received $1,336 million in net profit, which is almost 14 times more than in the same period in 2022. Its EBITDA for the three quarters of this year increased by 67% to $4.5 million, and sales revenue increased by 16% to $11.9 million.

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Key indicators of state budget (monthly), UAH billion

Key indicators of state budget (monthly), UAH billion

Source: and

Rauta first facility to be built with construction project management service is business center for international IT company in historic center of Kyiv

The construction project management outsourcing is a new service in Rauta offer, but the company already has several projects in its portfolio where it performs turnkey construction works.

The new 7-storey business center has an area of about 3.000 sq.m and modern infrastructure with a comfortable workspace for IT entrepreneurs.

Performance of Rauta construction project management outsourcing includes the following stages:

  • Support at the pre-project stage
  • Development of the design and cost documentation
  • Examination of the design documentation
  • Selection of a general contractor
  • Obtaining a construction permit
  • Preliminary work at the construction site
  • Execution of construction and installation works
  • Construction and connection of external engineering networks
  • Commissioning

More information about the construction project management outsourcing

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“Ukrposhta” announces tender for driver insurance

The Ukrainian state postal service enterprise Ukrposhta (Kyiv) announced a tender for compulsory insurance of drivers against transport accidents on January 31, according to the ProZorro electronic public procurement system.

According to the system, the expected cost of the services is UAH 771.375 thousand.

The deadline for submitting bids is February 8.

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“Energoatom” saved UAH 2.3 bln after refusing from Russian nuclear fuel

The refusal from Russian nuclear fuel with a parallel active entry into the global nuclear materials market allowed Energoatom to save UAH 2.3 billion on the difference in world prices since 2022.

“The effective work of Energoatom in the uranium market and its conversion and enrichment services has given Ukraine the opportunity not only to get rid of its dependence on Russian nuclear fuel, but also to save significant funds,” the company said, citing NNEGC Chairman Petro Kotin.

According to him, the decisions taken by the company in 2022-2023 to increase the purchase of uranium and uranium conversion and enrichment services, as well as the negotiations and contracts concluded in advance with Energoatom’s international partners, represented by the British Urenco and Canadian CAMECO, have brought positive results so far.

“Firstly, we have calmly and without damage completely abandoned nuclear materials and related services of Russian origin. Secondly, we save about UAH 2.3 billion on the difference in world prices for these products (from the time of procurement to the present day, they have increased by more than a third on average),” Kotin said.

According to the NNEGC, the global revival of nuclear generation has led to a continuous increase in prices for uranium and uranium conversion and enrichment services, which are already reflected in world records.

“Therefore, the contracts signed by Energoatom with Urenco and CAMECO guarantee long-term uninterrupted operation of the domestic nuclear generation,” the company added.

Urenco, in particular, will supply Energoatom with uranium enrichment services until 2035 with the possibility of extending the contract until 2043; CAMECO will meet Energoatom’s needs for natural uranium hexafluoride (UF6) by 100% in 2024-2035 by supplying it and providing conversion services.
